The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government announced on Wednesday (December 13) to announce the update of the Code Code Consultation Draft, which lists 12 basic beliefs that civil servants must adhere to.The Special Economic Zone is a prerequisite.

Comprehensive network media "Hong Kong 01", Hong Kong Zhongtong News Agency and Sing Tao Daily, etc., the current Code of Civil Servant Code was promulgated in 2009 and has been used to this day.The Hong Kong Civil Service Bureau submitted the preliminary manuscript of the Code of Civil Service last year, and the chief executive Li Jiachao requested to make more in -depth discussions.Update the Civil Servant Code Consultation Draft on Wednesday, the consultation period until January 19.

Yang Hebein, director of the Hong Kong Civil Service Bureau, said at a press conference on Wednesday that the Hong Kong government is committed to improving the level of governance. Civil servants are the backbone of the government. Their ethics, ability and efficiency are the key to improving the management level of the Hong Kong government.With the increasing expectations and requirements of the Hong Kong government and civil servants, it is necessary to update the rules.

According to the above consultation draft, the basic beliefs that civil servants must abide by them have increased from six to 12, including "maintaining constitutional order and national security", "people -oriented", "enthusiastic public services", "Failure to stay in the job", "integrity and righteousness", "political neutral", "professional spirit", "team spirit", "benefit -based", "performance accountability" and "confidentiality principles" and so on.

When the Hong Kong government planned to update the Civil Service Code earlier, it studied deleting the word "political neutral" and finally retained this requirement, but it states that it must be based on loyal countries and the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.

The "political neutrality" stated by the Civil Servant Code requires civil servants to be affected by their own political orientation or political beliefs in their political beliefs.Organized or participating in the activities that hindered the governance of the Hong Kong government, Yang Hebein emphasized that civil servants were "fully loyal to the government and the country."

Code Code also requires civil servants to not be able to publicize the government's policies on the Internet, social media or other people's opposition on the Internet, social media, or other ways.Yang Hebein said that civil servants should pay attention to personal behavior ethics to avoid damage to the integrity or reputation of the Hong Kong government.

Yang He Beiyin said that the bureau will not ask civil servants to report to the posts, content and chat records published on the private social platform, but emphasize that if the bureau discovered that civil servants posted the opinions of the Hong Kong government online, orSomeone reported to the bureau, and the official will take action.

Yang Hebein reiterated that it is not to prevent civil servants from criticizing the Hong Kong Government's policies and emphasize that civil servants have freedom of speech, but pay attention not to make others mistakenly think that their remarks are official opinions.