Professor Xu Shichang, a lecture professor at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, predicts that the number of cases of pneumonia in Hong Kong will continue to rise, calling on citizens to wear masks when there are many places in people.

Comprehensive reports of Hong Kong Commercial Radio and the Internet media "Hong Kong 01", Xu Shichang made the above statements during an interview with a radio program on Saturday (December 9).

He said that since August, the case of pneumoniacum infection in Hong Kong has risen, from about 50 in August, from September to November, it has increased from 110 to 170, most of them, most of them, most of them, most of them, most of them, most of them, most of them, most of them, most of them.Patients have upper respiratory signs, such as high fever, cough, sore throat, etc.About 5%to 10%of them suffer from pneumonia. Generally, patients are under 40 years old. High -risk people such as the elderly and patients with problems with immune systems have the opportunity to have serious complications such as encephalitis and severe pneumonia.

Xu Shichang pointed out that the latent period of pneumoniacin infection can be up to two to three weeks, and it is called on patients to avoid going to school or work.According to the figures of the Department of Health, Hong Kong had a large number of cases of pneumoniacin infection in 2016 and 2019. It is expected that the increase in the number of cases in this case is still maintained for a period of time. However, there are currently two antibiotic infections that can be treated. Citizens are requested not to worry too much.

As for the case of crown disease, Xu Shichang said that the current crown disease epidemic is at a low level and the number of admission is not large, but it is expected that after the weather turns cold, it has been more than half a year since the peak of the epidemic.May rise.

He said, as the first new generation of 100,000 doses of XBB crown disease has arrived in Hong Kong, the Hong Kong Government will arrange two types of high -risk people, namely 65 years old or above.Persons are given priority to vaccination.He is expected that the Hong Kong Government will announce the arrangement of vaccination for vaccination next week, so he calls on those who are qualified to take vaccination as soon as possible.

Xu Shichang also said that during the past three years, the citizens of Hong Kong have strong self -epidemic prevention measures and less contact with influenza virus.The symptoms after infection are more serious than before. They call on citizens to pay attention to hygiene and wash their hands. They should wear masks in places with many people.