Hong Kong lost to Singapore in the ranking of global free economies, and the Hong Kong Government refuted several contents in related reports.

Comprehensive Hong Kong News Agency and the Internet media "Hong Kong 01" reported that the World Economic Freedom in the Canadian Institute of Fraser Institute on Tuesday (September 19), Hong Kong rankedsecond.The first is Singapore.

The report shows that Singapore's total economic freedom score is 8.56 points first, and Hong Kong ranks second with 8.55 points, with a difference of 0.01 points.Since the report was released in 1996, Hong Kong ranked first in the world for 26 consecutive years until last year.

Among the five assessment items reported, Hong Kong continues to ranks first in "freedom of international trade", ranking third in the world in "regulatory".Compared with the ranking and last year, it has also improved.

However, the report also pointed out the problem of "central military intervention in the rule of law in Hong Kong". In response, a spokesman for the Hong Kong Government said that this was completely fictional and violated the facts.The spokesman emphasized that the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region enjoys a high degree of autonomy under the "one country, two systems", and the rule of law is not subject to military intervention.

Annual report also pointed out the issue of "weakening confidence in judicial independence and the fairness of the Hong Kong courts". In response, a spokesman for the Hong Kong Government said that Hong Kong's judicial system has always been respected by the international community.Constitution and basic law provide constitutional guarantees for basic rights and freedom, including the right to guarantee equality in front of the law, and consolidate under the rule of law and independent judicial power.

In addition, for the Institute of Fisha Research, the Chinese central government applied a new major entry barrier in Hong Kong, restricting employment of foreign labor, and increasing business costs.Based on the statement, it is completely disappointed and disappointed.The spokesman said that the labor policy in Hong Kong has not changed. Under the premise of ensuring that local workers are prioritized, the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government has different plans for employers to apply for input workers according to actual needs to fill the lack of skills in the labor market, maintain competitiveness and competitiveness and competitiveness.Development needs.