Entrepreneurs, entrepreneurs wanted by the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government, and Rong Haien, a member of the Hong Kong Legislative Council, reiterated that they have separated from Yuan Gongyi and expressed their support for the Hong Kong Government to arrest relevant persons as soon as possible.

According to the online media "Hong Kong 01" on Monday (July 3), Rong Haien stated in a statement entitled "Supporting and maintaining national security in accordance with the law to arrest the suspects and return the criminals."Pay attention to the relationship between her and one of the wanted person Yuan Gongyi, but she emphasized that she had been announced in August 2022 to announce that she had a relationship with Yuan Gongyi, so Yuan Gongyi's behavior had nothing to do with herself.

She said that no one must endanger national security, and Yuan Gongyi organized the "Hong Kong Parliament" overseas to promote the overthrow of the Beijing Central Government and the Hong Kong Government with a referendum.Relevant actions have involved the crime of subverting national power, colluding foreign or overseas forces to endanger national security.

Rong Haien said that the eight wanted eight people were charged by the police for being charged with the crime of harming national security and colluding with foreign or overseas forces.Hong Kong dollars, about 170,000 yuan) wanted.She believes that maintaining national security is the right meaning, so the decision to support the National Security Department must comprehensively curb any behaviors that endanger national security, and arrest the suspects as soon as possible through the Hong Kong National Security Law.

In response to the eight people who are not in Hong Kong, there are external questioning effects.After the order, the relevant countries were formally notified, requiring the local law enforcement agencies to arrest the fugitives, and then extradited them to be tried in Hong Kong.

She continued that even if the country has temporarily terminated the exalt with the Hong Kong fugitive agreement, the Hong Kong government can still cooperate according to individual events; China is a member of the International Organization (Interpol), and Hong Kong is a China branch.The International Interpol can be required to want a fugitive of the National Security Law of Hong Kong through nearly 200 national members of the world.

The Guoan Department of the Hong Kong Police Department announced on Monday afternoon that eight Hong Kong dollars were wanted eight overseas Hong Kong people who were accused of violating the National Security Law.The eight Hong Kong people who were wanted by the reds were Ren Jianfeng, Yuan Gongyi, Guo Fengyi, Guo Rongyi, Xu Zhifeng, Meng Zhanda, Liu Zudi and Luo Guancong.They currently settle in Canada, Australia, the United States, and the United Kingdom.