Hong Kong media reported that Deng Li, the deputy minister of China, may take over Lushaye as the ambassador to France.

According to the Sing Tao Daily, Hong Kong (June 12), Lushaye will return to China as the president of the Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Friendship and engage in civil diplomacy.Sources said that Lushaye has been stationed in France for four years, and it is normal to end his term.

Public information shows that Lushayo is 59 years old. He graduated from the Foreign Academy and has served as the Counselor of the Ambassador to France. He has also been the Ambassador to Senegal and Canada. He has served as the ambassador to France since 2019.

The Chinese People's Association for Foreign Friendship is a national people's group engaged in civil diplomatic work. The president is the former Ambassador to South Africa Lin Songtian.

In an interview with the French LCI TV station in April, Lushawan questioned the sovereign state of the former Soviet Union to join the Republic of the Republic.The remarks caused a stir in Europe. Nearly 80 European members co -signed on the France to expel Lu Shaye. The French Ministry of Foreign Affairs also asked China to explain it.The Chinese Embassy in France subsequently issued a statement clarifying that Lu Shaye's statement was personal position, not the official Chinese policy declaration, and emphasized that China respects the sovereignty state status of the Republic of the Republic after the disintegration of the Soviet Union.

After that, there were rumors that Lushaye would be recalled on May 15th, but the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs rumored at a regular press conference on the 12th, saying that this was false news.

The website of the Chinese Embassy in France announced on June 3 that Lu Shaye accepted an interview and reported by the French media "Vu Du Droit" on May 31.Lu Shaye repeatedly mentioned his words, thinking that the freedom of speech in the open debate of the TV should be guaranteed, and he emphasized that his remarks were not conflicted with the official foreign policy of Chinese officials. "Some people have done a lot of questions."