Dominic Johnson, the Minister of Commerce and Trade, visited Hong Kong on Monday (May 8th), on Monday (May 8th), in order to promote British and Hong Kong fintech cooperation.This is the first senior British official who has visited Hong Kong for more than five years.

According to Reuters, Johnson tweeted on Monday that his visit to Hong Kong was to promote Britain to become the main destination for Hong Kong's investment and trade.He described Hong Kong as one of the world's leading international financial centers. From financial services, infrastructure to sustainable development, Britain and Hong Kong have common interests.

Johnson also published a comment article in the South China Morning Post in Hong Kong, saying that Britain will contact Mainland China and Hong Kong in the areas of consistent benefits, but it will also adhere to the values of Britain and "also clarify usIt has the right to take action in Beijing to violate its international commitment or infringement of human rights. "

He said that Britain would not turn a blind eye to Hong Kong issues, nor would he avoid its historical responsibilities.

According to the number of posts issued by Johnson on Monday, he met with Hong Kong Finance and Treasury Director Xu Zhengyu, Changhe Group Chairman Li Zezheng, and joint director Huo Jianning.He said that the two sides discussed the problems such as further removal of trade forts and increasing trade between the two places.Johnson's meetings are closed -door meetings and are not open to the media.Johnson also visited the digital port on the same day.

When the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Wang Wenbin was asked about Johnson's visit to Hong Kong on Monday, he said that he did not understand the relevant situation mentioned by the reporter, but reiterated that the human rights of Hong Kong people were effectively protected according to law.Affairs.

Johnson will end the visit trip on Tuesday and leave Hong Kong.