After the World Health Organization announced that the crown disease no longer constitutes the urgency of public health, Yuan Guoyong, a consultant expert of the Hong Kong government and a lecture professor at the Department of Microchace of the Hong Kong University of Hong Kong, urged the Hong Kong Government to thoroughly review the measures and lessons during the crown disease.Because another big popularity will definitely appear.

According to the online media "Hong Kong 01" on Saturday (May 6), Yuan Guoyong said that in the process of reaching the milestone of the crown disease, Hong Kong fought a beautiful battle.It shows toughness and actively cooperate with anti -epidemic measures such as masks, detection, isolation and quarantine; Hong Kong medical staff also prove their dedication and professionalism well.

Looking forward to the future, Yuan Guoyong said that Hong Kong must still be vigilant about the newly appeared infectious diseases, and another big popularity will definitely come back to trouble us.He pointed out that the current research evidence shows that new infectious diseases will come from animal hosts, so it is necessary to protect the natural habitat of animals and prohibit the sale of wild animals; and believe in science, prepare for systems, infrastructure and conditionsThe mortality, physical and mental illness, and socioeconomic impact caused by epidemic.

Yuan Guoyong also emphasized that it is necessary to keep in mind the lessons of the crown disease epidemic and reiterate the thorough review of the response measures and lessons during the epidemic.He believes that this review is critical to prepare for the next big popularity, which can promote public trust, and it is essential for better governance next time.

In February of this year, Hong Kong experts such as Yuan Guoyong, Xu Shichang, and Kong Fusongyi suggested that the Hong Kong government set up an independent investigation committee to review the epidemic response measures for the Hong Kong government for three years.Yuan Guoyong said at the time that the Hong Kong government was not doing well in the early stages of the epidemic, and the number of detection every day was not enough.It shows that the independent investigation committee is not agreed to investigate, emphasizing that the Hong Kong government will continue to summarize experience and optimize measures to cope with future threats.There are also voices in the Hong Kong Legislative Council that "may make more internal consumption for Hong Kong."