(Hong Kong News) Liu Zunyi, a well -known economist in Hong Kong, believes that the current legal retirement age in mainland China is too low. Forcing retirement is "waste of resources". If retirement can be delayed, more people can encourage more people to enter the labor market.

Liu Zunyi, also the former principal of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, was invited to give a special speech by the invitation of the Hong Kong Think Tank's "Governance of the Hong Kong" on Sunday (May 7).Between 5.5%and 6%, the growth rate will exceed North America and Europe.

According to Sing Tao Daily, Liu Zunyi pointed out that the current legal retirement age in the mainland is 50 years old and men are 60 years old. This legal retirement age standard comes from the early 1950s, when the expected life span is less than 60 years old.

Last year, there were about 70 million to 65 years old in China. Liu Zunyi believed that if the legal retirement age was extended, people of this age could be encouraged to enter the labor market.

The full text of the 2022 Central Economic Work Conference in December last year also mentioned that "the policy is delayed in time delayed the legal retirement age policy in a timely manner".

Liu Zunyi pointed out that based on the three -year crown disease epidemic, the unemployment rate of young people in the mainland was high, and enterprises were unable to expand and recruit.However, he believes that this situation is the same all over the world, and it means that "young people can not find a job after graduation, and can continue to study for a master's degree." But forcing retirement is not a good way to solve the problem.

Mainland China has recently canceled the number restrictions on the number of children can have children.Liu Zunyi pointed out that the age of marriage may be reduced, which will help gradually increase the birth rate; but these policies take decades to have a significant impact on labor force.