(Hong Kong News) Global airlines have resumed flights one after another, but Hong Kong Airport has insufficient local diligence and affects some airlines to return to Flying.Some scholars are worried about the continuous shortage of hand, or threatened the status of Hong Kong's international aviation hub.

According to the Hong Kong Ming Daily, Egyptian Airlines has been approved to restore flights from October this year. However, because it is obstructive when purchasing land service in Hong Kong, it has not been able to achieve resurgence in winter (October to February of next year).

Ming Pao quoted the agent "Hong Kong Airport Diligence Services" (HAS), which has always provided services, said that before the crown disease epidemic, there were more than 3,000 frontline employees, and there were only more than a thousand people."Even if the airline is willing to increase the price of three or four times, it cannot provide services."

Another ground -working company, Xinxiang (Hong Kong), revealed that the average daily flights were increased from about 90 to 100 flights from the epidemic to about 140 classes. The frontline personnel faced the workload greatly and worked overtime from time to time.However, the company must abide by the regulations so that employees have at least 9 hours of rest between the class, so they need to fill in their hands on India and Pakistano outsourcing workers.The proportion of local workers in the local area increased from 6 to 4 before the epidemic to the current 3 to 7.

Some unions have said that the average passenger plane had average 7 to 8 land staff on duty before the epidemic, and now it has been reduced to only two or three.Recently, there have been more flight delays, and passengers have been waiting for their luggage for longer. I encounter busy time or must be waiting for 45 minutes.

The Hong Kong government and airlines have stated that they will explore the input of foreign workers, but the union objection said that the general base salary of frontline employees is only 11,000 to 14,000 Hong Kong dollars (contracts 1800 to S $ 2300).Low salary is difficult to invite people.