The Hong Kong Association and the Olympic Committee responded to the report of the Hong Kong Ice Association the wrong national anthem in the World Championships on Friday (May 5) and put forward a number of misunderstandings."Jiaohuo".The chairman of the Bingxie Jian Yangjie opened the incident for the first time in the early morning on Saturday (May 6), criticizing the Hong Kong Association's "Instead of Instead", which caused the leader Guan Wanyi to be extremely panicked, and described the submission of three reports as "the thoughts of the emperors who figured out the minds of the master of the emperor's age."" ".

According to the Sing Tao Daily, Jian Yangjie said public attack on the Hong Kong Association and the Olympic Committee: "As the chairman, I have never wanted to say so much because I think there is a mistake. After all, Miss Guan (Guan Wanyi) Failure to successfully hand over the USB with the national anthem to the organizer to complete the verification afterwards. It is an iron -like fact. "But he said:" However, when he saw the secretary general of Yang Zuci, he continued to handle the matter with a high -pressure criminal attitude.And when the geological question has been constantly trying to complete the task, I can't be silent anymore! "

Jian Yangjie emphasized that Guan Wanyi has been under great pressure in the past three months as a one as a one as a one as a one.She has done her best to work hard, "I tried my best to answer (ask questions)", but "but in exchange for an in -laws in exchange for an unreasonable and unreasonable.Unfortunately 'Speaking (finished)! "

Jian Yangjie criticized, the Hong Kong Association questioned Guan Wanyi with the" intimidation of criminals in the 1960s ".When it comes to the huge pressure of the criminal type, I will doubt whether there is a little far -sightedness. "

Jian Yangjie criticized Yang Zu to sort out the incident in the dragon, but he was too people:"It is not possible to solve all problems with large pressures. Secretary -General Yang met with us. In 40 minutes, 35 minutes did not talk about this, but quoted a bunch of error information to accuse us. How can we understand the ins and outs of this?"

For the Hong Kong Association and the Olympic Committee, the first and second reports of the Bing Association are not detailed, and the third report is required. Jian Yangjie believes that the other party does not understand the first or second report.He asked carefully and clarified the facts. "On the contrary, the report that the report was high in the above claims that the report was not detailed enough, and the third report of the Bingxiejiao was required to talk about the same thing." He described it as if "the emperor's thoughts in the age of the emperor".

The Hong Kong Ice Hockey Men's Team went to Persia at the end of February this year. When playing the national anthem, it was broadcast to Hong Kong with the 2019 anti -repair -related storm -related songs.

The Hong Kong Association and the Olympic Committee have been reviewed by the Bingxian two reports earlier, and after meeting with the management, last month decided to launch the procedure for suspension of the Hong Kong Bing Association, and asked the Bing Association to be related to the relevant.The incident submitted a comprehensive written interpretation and improvement plan for corporate governance again.

Yang Zuci, the Volunteer Secretary -General of the Hong Kong Association and Olympic Committee, also criticized the Bingxie's response to the incident.Essence

The Bingxie submitted the final report on Thursday (May 4), stating that the USB equipped with the national anthem was assigned to the organizer but the other party refused to accept it.Yang Zuci, Secretary -General of the Hong Kong Association and Secretary -General of the Olympic Committee, pointed out on Friday that the description of the description was false, saying that the chairman of the Bingxie and the leader admitted that he had no USB at the time when he was on March 23, and the meeting had recording and verbating records.He also criticized the Bingxiao Association to submit a report or explain that there are many contradictions in the instructions, and pointed out that the Bing Association accused the Hong Kong Association's "disrespectful athletes" is absolutely true.