In the context of Sino -Canadian relations, many Chinese students apply for a Canadian student visa and enter a long waiting period.

According to Sohu News on Thursday (January 11), some of them have waited for more than 600 days. Some people have found schools, governors, and even people who have sued the Canadian Immigration Bureau, but they have limited effects.

Under the official Weibo account of the Canadian Ambassador to China, you can often see the comments of Chinese netizens to urge your visa..... "

In the waiting at the end, the lives of many Chinese students have fallen into stagnation.

Canadian Ambassador to China Mei Qianlin said at the 50th anniversary of the Scholarship Scholars Exchange Program last December that Canadians need to work hard to understand China and China needs to learn more about Canada.(The official Weibo of Canada Ambassador to China)

Two dilemma

Chinese student Guo Xinli (transliteration, XINLI GUO) said in an interview with the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) last August that he can accept the admission notice from the master's degree in the University of Ottawa by obtaining a student visa in Canada.

Guo Xinli waited for a few months and had not obtained a visa.Because his visa was not approved, he was worried that he would lose the admission opportunity of the University of Ottawa, and he might also miss the timing of applying for universities in other countries.

In June 2022, a visa application has been submitted. A student of PetroChina University who has been sent to the University of Alberta, Canada has been waiting for more than 500 days.

The classmate told his experience in Sohu News report.He has tried various ways to sign up, including contacting the Immigration Bureau in the name of the school, the governor of the school where the school is located, and even applying for the "Writ of Mandamus" to the Federal Court of Canada, so that the immigration bureau must be prescribed at the prescribed timeA clear response is made.However, this request was rejected in February last year and did not give reasons.

For this classmate, it does not mean that under the visa, it means that all the previous studies are invalidated, and it is not easy to find a doctoral program with a research direction. At the same timeFinding a job has also lost the status of the freshman."There is no other way, I can only continue to wait."

A Chinese student named "Jalcool" posted in the Canadian Visa Forum last August that he submitted his application in July 2022 and had waited for more than 400 days.During this period, he tried to send an email to the Canadian parliamentarians and prime ministers, and also submitted a mandatory order, but did not bring any results.

He wrote: "This long -term delay brought me great uncertainty and frustration ... Some people with similar situations have been in trouble for two years."

Long "Safety Survey"

Canadian immigrants, refugees and citizenships (IRCC, referred to as the Canadian Immigration Agency) official website shows that the trial time of student visas is usually eight weeks.

However, due to the surge in the number of international students in Canada in the past three years, the number of student visas processed by the Canadian Immigration Department increased by 60%. Last year, more than 1 million student visa applications and extensions were processed.Times.

The Canadian Immigration Department handled more than 1 million student visa applications and extensions in 2023, nearly 840,000 in 2022 and 560,000 in 2021.(Internet)

The number of applications for Chinese student visas also reached a new high.Official data show that since January 2021, the Canadian Immigration Department has received nearly 181,000 applications from China, of which 1,832 have not been processed.

The Canadian Immigration Department said in a statement that no matter which country's visa applications from which country come from, they conducted equal evaluation based on the same standards."Security SCReening is only one of the reasons for the longer trial time, but it is not the only reason."

Judging from media reports and social media posts, most Chinese students are stuck in the security investigation.

The Canadian government official website shows that security investigations are jointly completed by three government agencies, namely the Canadian Immigration Bureau, the Canadian Border Service (CBSA) and the Canadian Security Intelligence Agency (CSIS).The latter two provide "Security Advice" to the Canadian Immigration Department to ensure that applicants are threatened to not pose national security.

A Canadian licensed immigrant consultant who has been in the industry has been introduced that the Immigration Bureau could not interfere with the process before the Canadian Border Service and Security Intelligence Agency completed the investigation.

The consultant said that the number of Chinese students who have entered the safety investigation process in the past two years have increased, and the tunes are related to schools and majors, but there are also precedents for the investigation of pure science students.

The Canadian Ambassador to China issued an article on the official Weibo on October 6 last year, explaining the visa trial process: "How long does it take for each application, there is no simple explanation. All applications for temporary or permanent residence visasApplicants to Canada may need to undergo background investigation. "

But this Weibo's comment area has been occupied by a large number of Chinese netizens who have been rejected for a long time. Some people have questioned that "it is too arbitrary to be sentenced to the purpose of the visit to study abroad."For "", some people have complained that the tourist signing has not been tone, causing the family to separate the flesh.

The dilemma of Canada University

Similarly because of visa problems, there are also Canadian universities.

Fulcrum, an independent student news website of the University of Ottawa, started school at the beginning of the fall of last fall, reported that the students were unable to enter school due to visa issues.The school responded to the request of the comment that it was developing emergency plans for students who did not obtain a visa.

The school also stated that it will continue to advocate a fair, efficient and transparent immigration system so that students can plan their future with confidence.

The University of Ottawa is located in Ottawa, Ontaria, Canada. It is one of the oldest universities in Canada.(Official Website of Ottawa University)

As a country studying abroad, international students are one of the important sources of income from Canada University.According to data from the official website of the Canadian Statistics Bureau, the tuition fees paid by international students are five times that of Canadian students.

PengA report from Bohe last October also pointed out that as provincial institutions' funding from colleges and universities fell from 42%in 2001 to 35%in 2022, Canadian higher education institutions rely more and more to rely on tuition fees.From 2019 to 2020, the tuition fees paid by foreign students accounted for 37%of the tuition income of Canadian universities.

Dan and China -Canada relations turned sharply after the Huawei Meng Wanzhou case in 2018. In May last year, they expelled each other diplomats, and in November, they fell into mutual accusations due to unsafe military aircraft.Under the stabbing of geopolitical politics, Canadian universities have to make a choice.

Charmaine Dean, Vice President of the University of Waterloo University, said in an interview with CBC in 2020 that she believed that researchers of Waterloo University first considered science rather than geopolitics.

Nevertheless, Dien revealed that her representatives of schools in other universities in Canada will regularly meet officials from the Canadian Security Intelligence Agency and discuss their research projects with Chinese universities.

Margaret McCuaig-Johnston, a Chinese technology strategy researcher at the University of Ottawa, believes that we must be alert to cooperation with Chinese researchers in scientific research because these R & D may be directly flowing to the Chinese military.

McQuegg Johnston told the CBC that three Canadian universities, including Waterloo University, have entered the list of the top ten universities in the world in cooperation with the Chinese military. "We must get rid of this list."

Other choices?

The Canadian immigration lawyer Wil Tao pointed out that students who study technical majors and parents work in Chinese government agencies have been included in the list of safety investigations, which has almost become a predictable program."Very problematic."

Will believe that these students are not the only choice for Canada.

According to Sohu News, a Chinese student waiting for the Canadian visa for more than 300 days will apply for other schools at the same time, and finally get the admission notice from Nanyang University of Science and Technology in Singapore; another student waiting for more than 600 days intends to planIf you apply for a German project, you can catch up with the autumn of 2024.

The difficulty and easyness of Chinese student visas also reflects the cold and warmth of China -Canada diplomatic relations to a certain extent.Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi talked to Canadian Foreign Minister Jolly on Thursday (January 11), and said that the current difficulties are not what China wants to see, and China also keeps contact and dialogue on Tong Canada.

Can the gentle signals released at the diplomatic level of the two countries bring a transfer to a student visa?Judging from the current backlog of the Canadian Immigration Department, I am afraid that there will be no major changes in the visa application process in the short term.

However, it is certain that adopting international students to become a new immigrant is the goal of the Canadian government's efforts.Canada announced in November 2022 that it would attract 1.45 million immigrants from 2023 to 2025.From this perspective, Canada has no reason to set up a level for international students.

Students mentioned earlier after more than 500 days have been mentioned, after waiting for more than 500 days, they have received the news that ended the safety investigation procedure on December 30, 2023.Although he also had to make up the latest medical examination results, he finally saw the hope of the visa.