China officially announced that the Burmese Army and the three northern Myanmar civilians agreed to stop fire under China, and called on all parties of Myanmar to conscientiously implement the reached fire agreement.

中国外交部发言人毛宁星期五(1月12日)在例行记者会上说,1月10日至11日在中国斡旋和促推下,缅军同果敢、德昂、If the three representatives of the northern Myanmar civilians are held in Kunming, Yunnan, China, a peace talks will be held and a formal ceasefire agreement will be reached.

Mao Ning said that the two sides agreed to stop the fire immediately, the military personnel were separated from contact, and related disputes and demands were resolved through peaceful negotiations.The two sides promised not to damage the safety of Chinese border people and the safety of projects in Myanmar.The two sides also negotiated other matters such as ceasefire arrangements.

Mao Ning emphasized that maintaining the potential of a ceasefire in northern Myanmar is in line with the interests of all parties in Myanmar, and it also helps to safeguard the peaceful and stability of the China -Myanmar border area.China hopes that all parties of Myanmar have seriously reached a ceasefire agreement that have been reached in the industry, maintain the maximum restraint of each other, and continue to solve the problem through dialogue and negotiation to jointly promote the progress of the peace process in northern Myanmar.China is willing to continue to provide support and help that can be played for this purpose and play a constructive role.

Reuters on Friday quoted a leader of the Deion National Liberation Army, who was unknown to name, reported that it was promoted by the mediation of the Chinese special envoy.The three brothers alliance organizations formed reached a ceasefire agreement with the Burmese army.