The latest polls released by the Taiwan Meilimao Electronics News show that the ruling DPP's vice presidential and vice presidential candidate Lai Qingde and Xiao Meiqin's "Lai Xiao Biao" expanded the lead."8.5 percentage points of Hou Kang, the candidate of the party's party and vice president, Ke Wenzhe and Wu Xinying" Ke Yingding "continued to the bottom.

The 84th wave tracking poll issued on Thursday (December 7), which is released on Thursday (December 7), shows that "Lai Xiao Biao" leads 40.1%support, and "Hou Kang Bai" lives with 31.6%.The support of "Ke Ying Bai" was maintained at 14.8%.

According to the Taiwan United Daily report, from the perspective of the trend, after Lai Qingde's support, after the "blue and white" broke up, all the way up, Taiwan's support in the wild camp has shown a downward trend at the beginning, but today's trendTend to stabilize.

The survey time was from December 4th to 6th. The visit to 1201 people was visited, and the maximum value of the sampling error when the trust level was 95%was positive and negative.