"The team you brought this time ... especially. This reflects the importance to the Chinese side."

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Huang Xuncai met with Chinese Prime Minister Li Qiang on Wednesday (December 6) in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing.This is the first opening of Li Qiang after the seating.

The word "special" has the meaning of the word "special", revealing the meaning of Li Qiang's meaning of Huang Xuncai's visit to China.

First of all, Huang Xuncai has been officially established as the leader of Singapore's fourth -generation leadership team and the current Prime Minister Li Xianlong. This is the first time that he has visited China with this identity group.

A total of 11 senior officials who have served as political positions in various departments have visited with each other. They are in charge of trade, education, health, journalism, housing, transportation, environment and other extensive fields. There are seven ministers and acting ministers alone.At present, more than one -third of the members in the cabinet are on this list of visiting China. This heavyweight visitor group reflects the contents of the content of the new China -China -China Bilateral Cooperation Committee (JCBC) meeting that will be held on Thursday.It reflects the depth and breadth of new China cooperation.

Personnel, including Chen Zhensheng, Minister of Education, Minister of Health Wang Yikang, Minister of Communications and News and Second Minister of the Ministry of the Interior Yang Liming, Minister of Development Li Zhisheng, Minister of the Prime Minister and Ministry of Education Dr. Meng Lizi, Ministry of CommunicationsXu Fangda, the Minister of the Department and Senior Government Affairs of the Ministry of Finance, is the main force of Singapore's fourth -generation leadership team.The collective visits of Huang Xuncai and so many high -level members also reflect the unity of the fourth -generation leadership team.

The details of the two meetings on Wednesday, the new and high -rise on Wednesday, can see the natural friendship of the relationship between the two parties.Everyone's familiarity with each other is not established overnight, but through many years of contact, frequent interviews with each other, and substantial cooperation, we can reach the state of today.

In addition to meeting with Li Qiang, Huang Xuncai and his party also held talks with Chinese Deputy Prime Minister He Lifeng, who are in charge of finance and finance.Before the meeting, Huang Xuncai grew with Chinese and Li Qiang and He Lifeng.

Huang Xuncai said when he saw Li Qiang, "Meet it again ... We are the second time this year (meeting)." When introducing the minister of the same peer, Huang Xuncai said, "You know." Li Qiang replied: "Yes."

He Lifeng said when he saw Huang Xuncai, "We have eaten together last year." Huang Xuncai said: "Yes, you remember!" When he saw Chen Zhensheng, He Lifeng joked that he was "getting younger" and cited.The people who were present laughed.

Since the establishment of diplomatic relations in 1990, through the three intergovernmental cooperation projects, Guangzhou Knowledge City, and eight provincial economic and trade councils in Suzhou, Tianjin and Chongqing, the new China has cooperated at multiple levels and different levels.Established a wide range of connections.Personnel at all levels of the two sides cooperate with each other through these projects to jointly experience the various stages of the development of new China relations, and have worked hard for this.When everyone arrives at different positions in the future, this connection also has the opportunity to continue to maintain and advance in the new level.

Talking about Huang Xuncai will co -host the JCBC conference in Tianjin and China Vice Premier Ding Xuexiang. From 2009 to 2013, he served as Secretary of the Tianjin Municipal Party Committee and Secretary of the Binhai New District Party Committee."I feel very kind."

He recalled that he experienced a meeting led by the four Chinese JCBC co -chairmen, including the then Chinese Deputy Prime Minister Wang Qishan, Zhang Gaoli, Han Zheng, and Ding Xuexiang, lamenting that "time is really fast."

He Lifeng also specifically mentioned that Tonghuangcai signed a memorandum of cooperation in the "Belt and Road" cooperation in 2017, and said, "It's just six years since it has passed.I feel sincere. "

New China has established diplomatic relations for more than 30 years.Today, Singapore is approaching the next time the leadership team is transferred.Under the increasingly turbulent international situation, the outside world is particularly concerned about how the new leadership team will deal with major countries such as China and the United States, as well as the relationship with important neighboring countries.

In terms of new Chinese relations, when the new Prime Minister Li Xianlong visited China in March this year, the two countries announced that they would raise bilateral relations to a comprehensive and high -quality forward -looking partnership, which has laid the direction for the next development of new China relations.For the first time, Huang Xuncai led a number of senior officials to visit China as a successor. The signal released by it was self -evident, and China felt "the emphasis on new China relations."In this atmosphere, the results of the JCBC conference on Thursday are particularly expected.