(Roman Road Power Power) Two government sources told Reuters on Wednesday (December 6) that Italy has officially notified China to withdraw from the Belt and Road Initiative.

Regardless of the doubts of the United States in 2019, Italy became the first and the only major Western country to date to join the initiative.

However, the Italian Prime Minister Meloni said that he wanted to withdraw from the Belt and Road when he took office last year, saying that the relevant agreement did not bring any major benefits to Italy.

The China -Italian Belt and Road Agreement expires next March. Unless Rome issued a written notice to express his dedication at least three months ago, the agreement will automatically renew the visa.

Roman sources said Beijing has recently received a written notice from the Italian side.Another official sources emphasized that Italy is still willing to maintain a good relationship with China even if he no longer participate in the Belt and Road Initiative.

Statement wants not to damage the mutually beneficial relationship with China

A senior Italian official who did not want to disclose his name confirmed on Wednesday that Italy had officially notified Italy to withdraw from the agreement, otherwise the agreement will be automatically renewed in early 2024 for five years.

Rome decided to join the international trade and infrastructure investment plan in 2019, which disappointed Western allies. Italy is the only major economy in the Seventh Kingdom Group to join the plan.

The former Italian Ambassador to NATO Middot; Stevani said that the Italian government at the time mdash; mdash; the five -star movement of populist and Mito Middot;; Underestimated the geopolitical significance of this initiative quot;.

Stervini said: Quot; they believe that although Italy is the only country in the G7 country to show good good to China, it can escape the dry department.quot;

But he said that, given the efforts of Beijing's relationship with Washington and the European Union, and the efforts of the West to reduce the dependence (especially in the strategic field), Italy is now unable to stand onThe group has an official policy called de -risk.The United States has clearly stated to the current Italian government that participating in G7 is inconsistent with the status of Italy in G7.quot;

The Italian government has always eager to find a way to exit peacefully without retaliation.Italian Foreign Minister Antonio Middot; Tiani went to Beijing to talk this year, while Melonney met the Prime Minister during the September New Delhi G20 Summit.

At a press conference after the meeting, Melonini emphasized the desire to maintain close relationships with China, and at the same time, she also expressed the possibility of Italy's withdrawal of the Belt and Road Initiative.She said: Quot; the question is, no matter what choices we make in the Belt and Road Initiative, we must ensure that partnership can be mutually beneficial.quot;

However, Middot, the deputy minister of the Ministry of Economic Development in Italy in 2019; Geratic held a fierce criticism of the Melony government's exit.

Jerach said: quot; exit without any benefit.This decision will damage the Italian companies that need government protection to carry out business around the world.I expect our exports to be greatly affected.Chinese consumers will respond fiercely to luxury goods manufactured in Italy.quot;

The Italian Evening Post reported on Wednesday that Italy had withdrawn from the Chinese Belt and Road Initiative, and the relevant photos had been submitted to the Chinese government in Beijing through diplomatic channels three days ago.

According to the information of the evening post, this document appeared in accordance with the agreement reached after a weekly non -public talks and some diplomatic confusion.This incident has not been announced for the time being.The newspaper also pointed out that Italy made its own decision and stated that it was necessary to maintain and strengthen strategic partnerships that have existed with China for more than ten years.

The Evening Post pointed out that Italy was the only member of the Seven -Kinged Groups who had not had huge economic benefits and many unwavering political consequences.

When answering the media's inquiry, a spokesman for the Italian Prime Minister refused to comment on the news of Italy's withdrawal from the Chinese initiative.

Earlier, according to Italian media reports, Italy will withdraw from the Belt and Road Initiative, and instead seeks to revive a strategic partnership agreement with China. The agreement signed for the first time in 2004 to promote economic cooperation.

Italy is the only country in the Belt and Road Initiative in the Seventh Kingdom Group.One Belt and Road is a global trade and infrastructure plan that connects the ancient Silk Road of China and the West as a template.