(Shanghai/Beijing Comprehensive News) One of China's largest chain movie theaters "Wanda Film" is about to be transferred to the master, which is regarded as the latest measure to raise self -rescue in debt dilemma in its parent company.

Wanda Movie on Wednesday (December 6) issued an announcement saying that the company's indirect controlling shareholder and actual controller Wang Jianlin planned to transfer 51%of Beijing Wanda to Shanghai Ruyi Investment Management Co., Ltd.If the above matters are finally implemented, the company's control of control will be changed.

According to the Securities Times, Shanghai Ruyi invested 49%of Wanda in July this year for 2262 billion yuan (RMB and S $ 427 million), and 9.8%of Wanda's total share capital was indirectly held through Wanda's investment.If the transaction is implemented, Shanghai Confucianism will control 100 % of Wanda investment, thus becoming the largest shareholder of Wanda Film.

Wanda, who has been in a debt storm this year, has been raising self -rescue.According to Leju Finance, in addition to the sale of assets, Wang Jianlin also put his financial license and some equity of Wanda Movies on the shelf to solve the urgent need.

In addition to Wanda, a number of real estate companies that have entered the film industry have previously entered the film industry, and they have gradually left with the cinema dishwashing and property market landslides after the crown disease epidemic.

Economic Observation Network quoted Zhu Yuqing, the founder of Jiyinghui, analyzed that the real estate capital of Shimao, Sunac, Jin Dian, Evergrande and other real estate capital entered the film industry and then retreated. Wanda is also preparing for the departure as a real estate capital.