Influenced by geomagnetic storms caused by severe solar activity, China, ChinaAurora appears in many places in the north.

Comprehensive Xinhua News Agency and China CCTV News reported that Aurora, Xinjiang, Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia, Beijing, Hebei and other provinces and cities appeared aurora on Friday (December 1).

Aurora is caused by the interaction of solar wind and earth magnetic field.When the charged particles erupted by the sun hit the earth at a very high speed, the magnetic field of the earth attracted them to the high altitude near the north and south poles, and collided with the molecules or atoms in the atmosphere, which caused stimulation and ionization.

China National Space Weather Monitoring and Early Warning Center (National Satellite Meteorological Center) Space Weather Forecast Taiwan Director Guo Jianguang introduced that Aurora generally occurs mainly in the North and North Pole.It is relatively common to see red or green aurora in China. Generally, it is only possible to appear only after large magnetic storms occur.

Guo Jianguang said that geomagnetic storm refers to the strong disturbance of global geomagnetic fields.The coronation material from the sun ejaculates the earth and interacts with the magnetic field of the earth itself, which will cause strong disturbance of the ground magnetic field.In this case, some particles may fall along the height of the magnetic line to the height of the atmosphere and interact with oxygen atoms in the atmosphere, so red or green aurora is generated.