(Hanoi Comprehensive News) Wang Yi, a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China and Chinese Foreign Minister who is visiting Vietnam, said when meeting with Vietnamese Foreign Minister Pei Qingshan that China and Vietnam should actively promote mutually beneficial cooperation at sea to prevent off -site forces from intervening, so that the South China SeaBecome the sea of ​​peaceful cooperation.

According to the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China, Wang Yi delivered the above speech on Friday (December 1) in Hanoi and Pei Qingshan.Accelerate the "South China Sea Conduct" consultation.

Wang Yi said in the meeting that like -mindedness, destiny, and coexistence are the distinctive features of Sino -Vietnamese relations."The high -level communication between the two parties and the two countries is close to relatives, and they often come and go, fully show the particularity of Sino -Vietnamese relations."

He said that the Sino -Vietnamese social system is the same and the ideal concepts are connected, and relations between the two countries should be in front of other countries.The foreign departments of the two countries must encourage and coordinate the strategic consensus reached by the two parties and localities, strengthen the exchange of inter -party exchanges and the exchanges of governing the country, and promote the new climax of pragmatic cooperation in various fields.

According to the Vietnamese Government News Network, Pei Qingshan suggested that all departments at all levels respect each other in accordance with international law, especially the legitimate rights and interests established by the United Nations Convention on the Marine Law in 1982;Power and effects are in accordance with the "East China Sea Behavior Code" of the Convention on International Law and the United Nations Marine Law.

The statement stated that China and Vietnam agreed to implement the high -level consensus of the two countries on control and properly handling maritime differences, so as not to allow differences to affect the good development trend of the relationship between the two parties and the two countries.

Wang Yi visited Vietnam from Friday (December 1), and met with the General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam, Wu Wenzhan, President of Vietnam, and Vietnam Vice Premier Chen Liuguang.Vietnam pave the way.

Vietnam is one of the fastest economic growth rates in Southeast Asia, and it is also a destination for global supply chain transfer. In the context of geopolitical competition, China and the United States hope to strive for influence in Vietnam.

But China's increasingly tough attitude in the South China has worried Vietnam.In September this year, US President Biden visited Vietnam, and the United States and Vietnam were upgraded to comprehensive strategic partnerships. In the joint statement, they did not name to remind Beijing not to "threatened or use force" in the disputed sea area.

When Wang Yi visited the Vietnam, China and Vietnam conducted a joint patrol from the second Beibu Gulf waters this year from November 29th to December 1st.The joint patrol is a specific measure to implement China -Vietnam's important consensus on deepening the two countries' maritime police law enforcement cooperation, and conduct twice a year.