Taiwan's "Blue and White" in the wild was unhappy. The Kuomintang (Blue) did not recognize the blue and white bureau, saying that he was adhering to the last moment.After the party (Bai), the people will announce that they will register for the candidate of Zheng and Vice President.

On January 13 next year, the presidential and legislators elections will be held.However, the day before, the DPP "Lai Xiao Biao", which was only ruling, was registered. It was still chaotic in the three parties in the wild.clear.

Finally, the blue and white Guo Sanfang met on Thursday (23rd) in the banquet hall of the Junyue Hotel in Taipei and held a press conference.Attending the negotiation includes Ke Wenzhe, the candidate of the President of the People, Guo Taiming, the founder of Hon Hai Group, who are preparing to run independently, Hou Youyi, President of the Kuomintang, and the former president of the Kuomintang Zhu Lilun and former Taiwan President Ma Ying -jeou.

However, Lan Bai Guo Sanfang talked for more than an hour and still had no conclusion, and finally dispersed.Everyone spoke on the stage, and the cotton needle, including Guo Taiming, described in his speech that it was said that the three of the three of the Ke Guo Hou brought a staff member.uninvited guest".

When Hou Youyi spoke, after obtaining the consent of Ke Wenzhe, he read Ke Wenzhe's mobile message and mentioned that "Guo Taiming needs to find a reason to refund the election".Ke Wenzhe's face on the spot, "Although I agree (read the newsletter), but take out the private newsletter, it is something to do with the wings of the fame and the wings."You can also disagree. "

Ke Wenzhe repeatedly emphasized in his speech that Ke Hou is the strongest combination of the party's rotation; Hou Youyi emphasized that on November 15th, he talked about the scope of the statistical error of polls.Tingle is to determine Hou Ke with.

The last three parties did not reach any consensus and dispersed.Ke Wenzhe's office subsequently issued an interview notice, stating that at 11 am on Friday, he will go to the Elementary School to register with the candidate for the vice presidential vice president, but the deputy candidates will not be announced.

The media asked Guo Taiming whether to run to the end, Guo Taiming smiled without comment.Some media asked him if he would appear in the same votes with Ke Wenzhe. Guo Taiming said, "You can guess, I don't answer."

The Kuomintang then held a press conference with a spokesman. He did not acknowledge that the blue and white breakthrough bureau did not talk about the deputy candidates, saying that he would stick to the last moment.

Blue and white seem to move towards division and fighting.The senior media person Li Yanqiu commented on Facebook. Ke Wenzhe asked to openly live a transparent live broadcast.Forget the newsletter mentioned that Guo Liangzi asked him to withdraw the election. This content is likely to let Guo Taiming rebound and affect the future gold aid.

She said that if this situation is to be closed, it is not just speechless, but endless trouble and endless disaster.She believes that Hou Youyi should take her own way and think that Ke Wenzhe's polls will fall down.

The beautiful island Electronics News, which has been tracking polls for a long time, is the 76th wave of the Taiwan Election of the Taiwan election released on Thursday. In the case of triangle, the supportHou Youyi, who was 30.1%, entered the scope of statistics errors, and Ke Wenzhe won 26.7%of the third.