(Shanghai Bloomberg) Capvision, Capvision, said the company has passed the acceptance of China's national security synthesis.

The company headquartered in New York and Shanghai issued a statement saying that under the guidance of relevant government departments, the company has established a more complete compliance system and implementation plan, rectification meets the requirements and completes acceptance.

Kaisheng Rongying said on Tuesday (October 3) in its official WeChat account that "the consulting industry must enhance the sense of security and worry."The company "will take the lead in the security bottom line of the development of the national consultation industry."

China is currently during the Mid -Autumn Festival National Day holiday, Kaisheng Rongying did not immediately respond to Bloomberg's comment request.

China has begun anti -spy operations on consulting companies operating in China this year, causing doubts about investors and international companies, and Kaisheng Rongying is an important goal.According to a May report, Guoan officials visited Kaisheng Rongying's office in Shanghai and carried out law enforcement operations.

The Wall Street Journal reported last week that China banned an executive of a US risk consulting company, Kroll, to leave the mainland.It is reported that the employee in Hong Kong is assisting in investigating a case, not the object of investigation.