On the Chinese campus, the reports of teachers are increasing, and the name has also expanded from illegal re -classes, receiving gifts, and expanding daily wear, words and deeds.

Beijing Youth Daily reported on Monday (October 2) even pointed out that in some schools, the report of the expansion of teachers has affected teaching, and some teachers dare not perform even normal criticism.In addition, when the teacher encounters the car to go to work, he will be criticized as "too shaking"; when we wear skirts to work, the parents are complained to "not like a serious person".

In June of this year, the half -month talk of Xinhua News Agency's current political magazine also posted that in recent years, Chinese society has paid more attention to topics such as teachers and morals., Make many teachers as thin ice in an unfavorable public opinion environment.

Teachers are like thin ice?

In 2018, the Ministry of Education of China released the processing method of violating professional ethics in primary and secondary schools in 2018. It proposed that adhering to teacher morality is the first standard.More than ten violations of professional ethics such as interests, discrimination and insults, and paid supplementary classes.

The Beijing Youth Press quoted a vice president and a principal of a middle school, saying that starting from 2020, they found that reports on teachers have begun to become more.

There are real problems in the report, such as teachers who have received bribery, illegal supplementary classes.But more, it is a "expansion" report. For example, some parents complain that the teacher's homework is left too little, and a parent reports that the teacher eats takeaway in front of the students. As a result, the students are entangled with their parents to take takeaway after returning home.

There are still some situations that the teacher refused to from some requests from parents or children. For example, the teacher refused to help drive the child after school and was reported.

A vice president of a middle school said that he had to deal with one or two reports almost every week, and the expansion of reports accounted for more than half of his handling of reports.

What is more serious is that parents make up lies to report.According to the Beijing News, in 2020, a Guangzhou parent made up a teacher on Weibo to punish the students until he vomited blood and uploaded photos with blood, which caused public opinion storm.Later the police found out that the teachers in the incident asked the students to run 10 laps, but the students only walked 9 laps and did not have physical or mental discomfort.

In 2020, a parent in Guangzhou fabricated a teacher on Weibo to punish students until he vomited blood and uploaded photos with blood. The police found that the parents were sentenced to one in prison for provocative trouble.Six months.(Internet)

The parent was sentenced to one year or six months for his provocation.However, the school also determined that the teacher's punishment for students to run the circle was unsatisfactory, suspended the work of the teacher involved in the teacher, and conducted criticism of the entire school.

Lie flat?Compared?

Once reported, teachers need to confirm their own innocence.A math teacher from the Beijing Youth Daily interviewed by a Hubei Provincial Primary School Mathematics that she went downstairs to get a takeaway from her boyfriend to help. After seeing it, the parents reported that she received a gift.In order to prove herself, she had to find her boyfriend, clicking takeaway software, finding orders, recording videos, and then reporting the video first level and one level.

Another teacher from Guangdong Middle School said that after being reported several times, "no enthusiasm for work" and becoming "not very dare to educate" students, especially those who reported it beforeEssenceIt is reported that the teacher who is trapped in self -evidence will choose to protect the body and avoid unnecessary trouble.

However, there are also teachers secretly competing with reporters.In September of this year, at the first grade parents' meeting of the North Campus of the Second Primary School of Guangzhou Development Zone, a slide shot by a teacher mentioned: "Don't complain at will, because the complaints cannot be admitted to high school", which caused controversy.The Education Bureau of Huangpu District, Guangzhou City, responded afterwards that it has made serious criticisms on the parties.This is the "threat" of the teachers' groups to parents, and it is also a helpless manifestation.

At the first grade parents' meeting of the North Campus of the Second Primary School of Guangzhou Development Zone, a slide shot by a teacher mentioned: "Do not complain at will, because the complaints are not admitted to high school in high school"" ".(Internet)

The underlying contradictions reported everywhere

Many media also commented on this phenomenon.In the comments of Surging News on Tuesday (October 3), parents reported that the teacher was not a good phenomenon, and should not report it immediately.The Beijing News pointed out that the "expansion report" further placed teachers in the weak position in home and school relations.

But parents in the comment area do not agree.They believe that the teacher is the stars, unlike the "vulnerable groups" mentioned in the reports and comments.A netizen commented, "As soon as the teacher sent a message in the school group, no parents dared not respond in time, but it was the parents who sent a message to the teacher alone and could not see a reply for a long time."

Another netizen who claims to be primary school teachers said: One teacher has so many students and administrative tasks, and there is no time to chat and communicate with each parent.Some people also questioned, "Do the teacher's information reply slow to report?"

The differences between parents and teachers also reflect that behind the trend of expanding the expansion of teachers, it is the long -standing contradiction between home and school in Chinese education.

A teacher of Shijiazhuang talked about half a month that some parents transferred all their expectations for education and teaching to the group. Once there was a problem, the teacher first became the object of the parents.

But when the teachers think that this year's parents have too high, the parents also think that the school has assigned too many tasks to the family.

According to Xinhuanet, as parents required parents to correct their homework, the Ministry of Education had to issue documents in 2019 to prohibit the task of turning correction of correction into parents.In fact, in addition to textbook homework, the pursuit of quality education often means that parents need to cooperate with various extracurricular tasks.

China News Weekly reports that parents and teachers feel that the tasks are more heavy and are the result of the internal volume of education.

Schools and society have higher requirements for talents. Educating children has become an unprecedented complex project. Parents and teachers have caused pressure and anxiety, which further leads to the lack of communication and trust. This may explain why why it can explain whyThe two sides are at all, and the small contradictions cannot be resolved through communication. They need to report to make the east wind over the west wind.

Reconstruction and Communication

Ren Youqun, director of the Teacher Working Department of the Ministry of Education of China, said at a press conference on August 31 that it is necessary to clarify the false reports of teachers in time, resolutely fight against malicious distorted facts, slander the flow of teachers, and maintain the teacherLegal rights and interests.

The style of reporting is not contained, not only hurts the teacher group, but also the student group that hurts values is also forming.It is also necessary to see that in addition to the "false" reports that officials of the Ministry of Education, more "expansion" reports are actually packed parents' demands.Most of the demands come from friction conflict in daily learning.If friction can be solved through the communication of parents and teachers, no report is requiredIt's right.

What the educational regulatory authorities must do should not speak to parents or teachers, but leave room for space and time for communication between the two parties.To do this, I am afraid that in the end, I am afraid that I have to return to changing China's education evaluation system and alleviating the anxiety of the internal rolls of education.