(Hong Kong Comprehensive News) Shi Zhengli, a well -known virusist at Wuhan Virus Research Institute in China, warned that another epidemic caused by coronary virus in the future.

The South China Morning Post Sunday (September 24) reported that Shi Zhengli and colleagues at the Wuhan Virus Research Institute in July published a paper in Emerging Microbes Infection, mentioning that the world must be like crowns.Preparation of disease -like diseases, because "if the coronary virus causes the disease before, then there is a possibility that it will cause (another wave) outbreak."

In the study, Shi Zhengli and her colleagues evaluated the risk of overflowing the human overflow of 40 coronary viruses and rated half of them as "high risk".Among them, six types of viruses are known to be transmitted to humans and caused diseases; at the same time, there is evidence that the other three viruses can also cause diseases, or infection with other animal species.

The paper says: "It is almost certain that new diseases will occur in the future, and it is very likely that (coronal virus) disease will occur again."

It is reported that the reason why the papers have recently received attention in Chinese social media may be partly because the paper is not published in Chinese.However, a scientist of a China Disease Prevention and Control Center believes that this also reflects that after China suddenly cancels the zero -epidemic prevention policy, people want to get rid of the topic.

The scientist who required anonymous anonymous said: "Sometimes in private conversations, when talking to other public health scholars, we noticed the official intentionally or unintentionally dilute the crown disease. Some cities have stopped publishing coronary infection data."

Given that Shi Zhengli's work is highly sensitive, many Chinese virusists are unwilling to comment on her latest papers.

Under the promotion of some American politicians, the Wuhan Virus Research Institute where Shi Zhengli is located has been suspected of the outside world, saying that the coronal virus is accidentally leaked by the laboratory of the institute.

This theory is controversial.Many scientists believe that coronal virus is more likely to originate from the virus in the animal, and then spread to humans through unknown hosts.

The US decryption intelligence document announced in June stated that there is no theory of supporting the leakage of the laboratory, but it does not rule out the possibility.