The Municipal Government of Manzhouli, the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region in China, said that the city has officially restored the customs clearance business of the China -Russia visa -free tourism team.

According to the China News Agency, the Manchuria Municipal Government disclosed on Sunday (September 24) that as of now, the city has been selected as the first batch of three travel agencies operating the Chinese citizen group to Russia's visa -free tourism business.The famous Chinese tourists formed a tourist team, leaving the Manzhouli Highway port, and arrived in Russia.

Manzhouli is the largest land port in China. It has a 54 -kilometer border with Russia and is only nine kilometers away from Russia.

The Manchuria Municipal Government said that the city will continue to dig in depth to explore the cultural connotation of cross -border tourism and create richer cross -border tourism products.

In addition to Manzhouli, Heilongjiang Province Heihe City has also resumed the tourism business of China -Russia mutual visa -free group.

According to the China News Network, after restoring the related business, China ’s first visa -free tourist group to Russia has exited from Heihekou on Thursday (September 21).