Fan Chongyi, a professor of law in China, believes that China has entered the era of light crime, and China needs to solve the problem of severe crimes from the legislation of criminal law and criminal lawsuits.

According to China Surging News, Fan Chongyi, the honorary dean of the Chinese University of Political Science and Law, said on Saturday (September 23) at the high -end high -end forum in Criminal Defense in Kyoto: "China has already been in my country Entering the era of light crime, the schedule of the concept and practice of light crime has been put on. "

Fan Chongyi believes that the urgency, necessity and importance of the current light crime governance have been placed in political and law In front of the front, "What to do in political and legal work, what to do if criminal defense lawyers do, we need to solve in -depth solutions."

He pointed out that from 1999 to 2019, he was sentenced to three years of imprisonment of less than three years. The proportion rose from more than 50%to 83.2%.

Fan Chongyi also said that under the guidance of judicial modernization, we must follow the three basic laws of judicial development and fully understand the inevitability and rationality of light crime governance.First, the development law of judicial power and structure is irreversible. The judicial powers in the governance of light crime, especially the protection function, must be strengthened.

Second, especially in the past 20 years, the negotiation lawsuits arising from modern times are the basic lawsuit model of light crime governance, which must attract great attention.The third is that from the laws and development of the Chinese Criminal Procedure Law, the Criminal Procedure Law from legislation to three major amendments, of which the legalization of human rights principles is a direct theoretical basis and legal criterion for light crime governance.

Based on this, Fan Chongyi believes that it is the primary task of currently governing and distinguishing with felonic governance.Under the modernization of the light crime with Chinese characteristics, the governance of light crime should follow the basic concepts and values of the governance of light crime. "

Fan Chongyi proposed that China urgently needs to be from the legislation of criminal law and criminal lawsuits.Solving the problem of the division of light crimes and felony, and said that this is a problem that the Chinese criminal law has not yet been solved so far, and it is also a problem that the criminal law law has not been resolved.