(Beijing Composite Electric) Chinese official and Syrian President Assad, which has long been treated by Western Western, held a rare talks. Chinese officials stated that Syria opposes foreign interference and unilateral bullying, and said that Syria will start reconstruction and strengthen anti -terrorism.Skill building.

Chinese official Friday (September 22) meets Assad in the opening ceremony of the Asian Games at the opening ceremony of the Asian Games at the West Lake State Guest House in Hangzhou.According to Xinhua News Agency, Chinese officials said in the talks that supporting Syria against foreign interference, unilateral bullying, and maintaining national independence, sovereignty, and territorial integrity.

He also said that China supports Syria to carry out reconstruction and strengthen the construction of counter -terrorism capacity.The two parties announced the establishment of a China -Syrian strategic partnership, and also signed a number of bilateral cooperation documents such as the joint construction of the “Belt and Road”, economic development exchanges, and economic and technological cooperation.

Reuters pointed out that it is a kind of encouragement to face the efforts of Assad's return to the international stage, which also allows China to promote its strategic interests in the Middle East.

Since the outbreak of the Syrian civil war in 2011, Assad has been sanctioned by many European and American countries. China's official support will make him not completely isolated in international diplomacy.According to the Peninsula TV Station and the National Television of Syrian, Assad thanked China for the "crisis and suffering".

China has strengthened diplomatic contact with the Middle East in recent years, and promoted Saudi Arabia and Iran to restore diplomatic relations in March this year, expanding its regional influence.In the talks with Assad, China officially proposed that Syria supports political resolution of Syria with the principles of "Syrian people, owners of the Syrian", improve relations with other Arab countries, and play a greater role in international and regional affairs.

In a series of diplomatic activities before the opening of the Hangzhou Asian Games, Chinese officials also met with East Timor Prime Minister Gusmang on Saturday (September 23).

The leaders of the two countries jointly announced that the relationship between China and East Timor was promoted to a comprehensive strategic partnership and issued a joint statement.East Timor's oil and gas resources are abundant. According to Reuters, the two countries stated in a joint statement that they will jointly develop petroleum and gas.

East Timor hopes to produce natural gas in the Greater Sunlis Oilfield in around 2030, because the country's main source of income Baru Ensan Oilfield has been suspended earlier this year.

The joint statement also said that the two sides will agree to closely close the military communication and cooperation, expand the scale of bilateral trade and investment, and carry out more pragmatic cooperation around the fields of infrastructure development, grain self -sufficiency.