Chinese President Xi Jinping, Xi Jinping, met with the East Timor Prime Minister Gusmang, who went to China to attend the opening ceremony of the 19th Asian Games at the opening ceremony of the 19th Asian Games on Saturday (September 23).The leaders of the two countries jointly announced that the relationship between China and East Timor was promoted into a comprehensive strategic partnership.

According to Xinhua News Agency, Xi Jinping pointed out in the meeting that the friendship sources of China and East Timor and Law have a long history.China first recognized East Timor and established diplomatic relations with East Timor.For more than 20 years, the relationship between the two countries has experienced the test of international changes, the political foundation has been stronger, and the connotation has continued to be enriched.Promoting the relationship between the two countries into a comprehensive strategic partnership is the realistic needs of the cooperation between the two countries and the times, and the common expectations of the people of the two countries.China is willing to continue to work with East Timor in the concept of sincerity and benefit from the concept of sincerity to the concept of sincerity and benefit to better benefit the people of the two countries.

Xi Jinping emphasized that always firmly supporting each other's core interests and major concerns is an important political basis for the continuous sublimation of the relationship between China and East Timor.The two sides should continue to carry forward the fine traditions, increase mutual support, strengthen international cooperation, and safeguard the common interests of the two countries and developing countries.The two sides should continue to promote the construction of the "Belt and Road" to deepen the four key areas of industrial revitalization, infrastructure construction, independent grain, and people's livelihood improvement.China supports East Timor to better integrate into the regional development pattern. It is willing to strengthen exchanges and cooperation with East Timor and the China -Portuguese Economic and Trade Cooperation Forum and other platforms to build a community of human destiny.

According to a press release in China, Gusmang said during the meeting that he remembered the scene of Xi Jinping's visit to China in 2014, and was glad to achieve positive results in bilateral relations in recent years.In the process of East Timor to fight for national independence, the Chinese people have always given valuable support. In the process of East Timor's anti -crown disease epidemic, the Chinese government provides strong help in time. The people of the East Timor are in mind and thanked the Chinese medical ship for sending charcoal for the people's snow.

Gusmang said that Xi Jinping's co -construction of the "Belt and Road" initiative responded to the demand for infrastructure construction in various countries, and East Timor firmly supported and will actively participate.East Timor and Law firmly pursued a Chinese policy and supported the global development initiative, global security initiative, and global civilization initiative proposed by Xi Jinping. Welcome Chinese companies to invest in East Timor to help the construction of the East Timor state.Safety, resource development, medical and health cooperation, etc., to promote a new level of bilateral relations on comprehensive strategic partnerships.

The joint statements of the two sides issued the People's Republic of China and the Democratic Republic of East Timor on the establishment of a comprehensive strategic partnership emphasized that the two countries agreed to continue to maintain positive momentum of high -level exchanges, strengthen strategic communication, consolidate friendship and political mutual trust, continue to promote bilateral bilateral sidesRelations.The two countries will further close the exchanges between the central government, local governments, legislators, and political parties, and strengthen policy coordination and experience exchanges with governing the country.

The statement also emphasized that mutual support on the issues involving the core interests of each other is an important manifestation of the strategicness of the Middle East relations.Oriental reiterated its firm pursuit of a China principle and acknowledged that there was only one China in the world. The government of the People's Republic of China was the only legal government representing the whole China.Any official relationship of any form, no form of official exchanges, supports the Chinese government's efforts to achieve the unity of the country.China reiterates its firm support for the development of the East Timor people's independent choices that meet the national conditions of their national conditions, firmly support East Timor to safeguard national sovereignty, security and development interests, and resolutely oppose external forces to interfere with East Timor internal affairs.

The positive results achieved by the two countries' high evaluations of joint construction of the "Belt and Road" cooperation will sign the government of the People's Republic of China and the Government of the Democratic Republic of East Timor as soon as possible on joint promotion of the "Belt, Further cooperation in infrastructure development, grain self -sufficiency, and improvement of people's livelihood.

The two countries also agreed to closely pay close military exchanges and strengthen cooperation in the fields of personnel training, equipment technology, joint training and other fields.China supports East Timor to become a member of the Asianan (China -called ASEAN) as soon as possible, and welcomes East Timor to play a greater role in regional cooperation.