(Hangzhou Composite Electric) A senior official in South Korea said that the Chinese official Saturday (September 23) met the Korean Prime Minister Han Deye in Hangzhou that he would seriously consider visiting South Korea.

The Yonhap News Agency quoted a unnamed senior official of South Korean government. When introducing the results of the meeting of the two leaders, the Chinese official took the initiative to mention the visit to South Korea first.Chinese officials have not visited South Korea since 2014.

Yonhap News Agency quoted the South Korean Deputy Foreign Minister Zhang Huzhen revealed to the media after the meeting that the meeting time of Xi and South Korea was 26 minutes long.

For the China -Japan -Korea and South Korea Summit, which Han Dezhi pushed up, Chinese officials expressed their welcome to hold the Three Kingdoms Summit at the right time.The Three Kingdoms Foreign Minister Conference and even leadership meetings.

However, reports from Chinese official media have not mentioned Chinese officials' speeches on visiting South Korea, South Korea and South Korea.According to Xinhua News Agency, Chinese officials met at the opening ceremony of the 19th Asian Games at the opening ceremony of the 19th Asian Games at the West Lake State Guest House that China was willing to work with the South Korean side to promote the progress and continuous development of China -Korea strategic partnerships.

Chinese officials also said that China attaches great importance to the positive willingness of South Korea to be committed to China -Korea cooperation. It is hoped that the Korean side will do with China and reflect the importance and development of China -South Korean relations in policies and actions.Essence