Ning Jizhen, deputy director of the China International Economic Exchange Center, said that the market has expected that the Chinese economy will usher in a rapid repair process at the beginning of this year, but the actual recovery process is continuing and fluctuating; he also mentioned that the current expanding residentsConsumption still needs to solve several deep problems, eliminating the worries of residents' "dare not consume".

According to the 21st Century Business Herald, the "Fifth Bund Financial Summit" hosted by the China Financial Forty Forum and the China International Economic Exchange Center was held on Saturday (September 23) in Shanghai. China International Economic EconomicNing Jixuan, deputy director of the Exchange Center and the original deputy director of the National Development and Reform Commission, gave a speech on the opening of China's economic operation and future economic prospects.

Ning Jizhen said that the current Chinese economy is showing waves of wavy development and twists and turns.Earlier this year, the market expects that the Chinese economy will usher in a fast repair process, but the actual recovery process is continuous and fluctuating.Although compared with the world's major economies, China's economic recovery rate is still leading, it should be seen that China's economic operation is facing challenges such as insufficient demand, difficulty in business operations, and many hidden risks.It should also be seen that China's economic toughness is sufficient and potential, and the long -term good fundamentals will not change.

Ning Jizhen put forward five views on China's economic prospects. He first pointed out that Chinese residents have a wide range of consumption space and great potential.From January to August, China ’s service retail sales represented by contact and clustered consumption increased by 19.4%year-on-year, but the consumption of large housing, decoration, and home appliances was less than expected.However, China has a population of 1.4 billion, more than 400 million middle -income groups, and elderly people over 264 million 60 years old. They have great demand for housing, seeking medical treatment, studying, and pension.Release this huge demand, to improve social expectations, boost development confidence, increase residents 'income, focus on increasing low -income group income, supplement the shortcomings of public services, and eliminate the worries of residents' "dare not consume".

The second is China's high -quality goods and service supply gaps and potential.Ning Jizhen said that with the acceleration of consumer demand, the contradictions of insufficient high -quality supply are highlighted.For example, in the fields of urban underground comprehensive pipe network construction, building energy -saving and low -carbon transformation, industrial green digital transformation, etc., China has more potential space and historical accounts.Investment for shortcomings and weaknesses.

The third point he proposed is the momentum and potential of China's innovation and development.Ning Jizhen believes that the rich human resources are still a significant advantage of China. At present, China has reached 240 million people in receiving higher education, and the average number of newly increased labor force has reached 14 years.People, talent dividends, and engineer dividends need to be released.

Therefore, it is necessary to remove the barriers that hinder innovation. For example, some new industries and new formats are still restricted, innovative ecological environment is not complete, invention creation and ownership and interest distribution reforms are still inadequate, intellectual property rights are still in place, intellectual property rightsProtection is not implemented in some aspects.He pointed out that this will definitely greatly increase the productivity of various industries, which will help build China into "dream factories" and "test fields" for scientific and technological innovation.

When talking about the issue of comprehensive deepening reform in China, Ning Jizhen said that the current valid market and the role of the government have not yet been played, including R & D innovation, residential house purchase and purchase car, etc.control.However, the Chinese government recently issued a series of documents such as promoting the development and growth of the private economy to release a clear signal of continuing to comprehensively deepen the reform of the system and mechanism.

In terms of opening up to the outside world, Ning Jizhen said that China has a large large -scale market with more than 1.4 billion people and inadequate development and inadequate development.The policy will not change or change.

"The Chinese economy is a large sea, and there is wind and waves that are normal, and the long -winding waves will be sometimes. The development of China's development will bring the world that is not a risk but a new opportunity for cooperation." He believes that opening up cooperationTo strengthen communication is always a good way to eliminate misunderstandings.