With the performance of the sales of the Mate 60 series mobile phones, it is reported that Huawei has increased the shipment target of the series in the second half of the year.

According to the Securities Daily report, Huawei said on Tuesday (September 12) that the new mobile phone will make the first time in the Chinese market.People close to Huawei also revealed that the performance of the Mate 60 series mobile phones exceeded expectations. Huawei increased the shipments of the shipping volume of the series in the second half of the year, and the shipments of Huawei new machines were at least 40 million units throughout the year.

The Securities Daily quoted Li Huaibin, chief analyst of the third -party research institution, said: "The Mate 60 series mobile phone is an important sign of the return of Huawei mobile phones, and a series of models will be listed in the future, such as the P -series new machinesWaiting, it is also expected to accelerate to go to sea in the future. From the hot sales of Mate 60 series mobile phones, it can be seen that Huawei's reputation and image in the high -end market have not been weakened, and their status is accelerating. "

Huawei's latest flagship latest flagshipThe Mate 60 PRO has been in a hot state for two weeks after listing. It has been sold in batches and sold out in batches. This has driven the overall improvement of Huawei's mobile phone shipments.

On the other hand, after Mate 60 Pro, Huawei once again opened the pre -sale of the Mate X5 folding screen phone and Mate 60 Pro+in advance without official release.

This releases the signal of Huawei's accelerated return in the mobile phone market.The Securities Daily quoted a number of people close to Huawei that Huawei had launched a general market for returning to the mobile phone market. The Chinese market first, and the overseas market was postponed.However, Huawei insiders revealed that in terms of mobile phone business, Huawei will focus on the Chinese market, especially the high -end mobile phone field.