In order to enhance its defense ability, India will spend 2 billionThe Rubine (about S $ 32.66 million) was upgraded and renamed an airport located in the Sino -Indian controversial border near the Himalayan border area.

According to Bloomberg, Indian Minister of Defense Rajnath Singh issued a statement on Tuesday (September 12) that the Air Force Base will enhance the strength of the Indian Air Force on the northern border.

This airport named Nyoma is located at 14,000 feet (4267 meters) east of Radakh. It used to be briefly used in the past and later re -enabled in 2010, but it was not upgraded.The air force base lacks facilities, forcing India to use other nearby airports.

After the airport is renovated and transformed, India can use this place as a base for fighters and transport aircraft.

Since 2020, China and India have confronted near the border and mobilized thousands of soldiers, artillery, missiles and fighters.The two sides conducted as many as 19 rounds of diplomacy and military negotiations.