According to the official website of the Guanzhou City Government of Jiangsu Province, Jiangsu Provincial Pagoda City Transportation Engineering Co., Ltd. and Lizhou Yuantong Public Transport Co., Ltd. issued a market -oriented transition explanation on Tuesday (September 12)Sexual debt has been settled, and in the future, it will no longer assume the financing function of public welfare projects, and promises that enterprises operate independently and negatively lose their profit and loss.

According to the surging news report, in recent years, the state -owned enterprises and urban investment platforms in China have announced the withdrawal from the government financing platform.Since August, many companies in Jiangsu have announced their withdrawal from government financing platforms.

Jiangsu Liyang City State -owned Asset Investment Holding Group Co., Ltd. August 15th news, 11 companies in the group withdraw from the government financing platform and no longer assume the government's debt financing functions. These 11 companies are: Jiangsu ChangDanghu Construction Investment Development Co., Ltd., Puyang Mayor Danghu Real Estate Development Co., Ltd., Jiangsu Tianmu Lake General Airport Co., Ltd., Liyang Yanyuan Construction Development Co., Ltd.Company, Liyang Sewage Pipe Network Co., Ltd., Puyang Passenger Transport Co., Ltd., Liyang Jinxu Construction Development Co., Ltd., Liyang City Transportation Materials Trading Co., Ltd., and Liyang Jinyue Garden Greening Co., Ltd.

Lianshui County Investment Holding Group Co., Ltd., Huai'an City, Jiangsu Province, issued a market -oriented transformation announcement on August 18th. According to the announcement, Lianshui Bingchen Engineering Conservation Co., Ltd.Lianshui County Hongri Port Co., Ltd. has transformed into a market -oriented operating subject. From the date of announcement, it has withdrawn from the government financing platform. It will no longer assume government financing functions.

Jiangsu Province issued a guidance on regulating the investment and financing behavior of the financing platform company in 2021. The documents are clear that local governments should strengthen the supervision and control of full -caliber debt of the financing platform company, and comprehensively understand the government's hidden debt of the financing platform company.Business debt and or liabilities have the bottom, focusing on the scale of the company's debt scale of the county (city, district) and various development parks, townships (streets) financing platforms.