Geng Shuang, deputy representative of the UN resident, said that military confrontation is not a way out of the Ukraine crisis. Dialogue negotiations are the fundamental way to restore peace in Ukraine.

According to Xinhua News Agency, Geng Shuang spoke on Tuesday (September 12) at the Security Council to deliver weapons issues to Ukraine.

Geng Shuang said that the Ukraine crisis is delayed so far, the international community generally hopes to suspend fires and stop the war at an early date, and more and more countries propose peacetime, but a large number of weapons and equipment are still flowing into the battlefield, and the number and lethality of the varieties and killing powerContinuous enhanced, leading to the spread of ground warfare, civilian casualties increased day by day, and the situation fell into a vicious circle.In the previous review of the Security Council, China has expressed anxiety and anxiety many times.

Geng Shuang said that military confrontation is not the way out of the Ukraine crisis. Dialogue negotiations are the fundamental way to restore peace.China expects relevant parties to actively respond to the expectations and voices of the international community, keep calm and restraint, go each other, seek consensus, and avoid intensified tension.It is hoped that the Security will avoid expanding opposition differences, more stimulating positive interaction, effectively giving play to the core role of the international collective security mechanism, using the peaceful resolution of disputes given by the United Nations Charter, promoting the implementation of various types of peaceful initiatives, and promoting the situation gradually towards peace in peaceDevelop in a stable direction.

Geng Shuang said that China is willing to continue to strengthen dialogue communication with related parties to play a constructive role in promoting the solution of the Ukrainian crisis.