Following Dongguan, Foshan, Guangdong, Shenyang, Dalian, Jiaxing, Zhejiang, and Nanjing, Jiangsu, and other cities in many cities such as the full cancellation of housing purchase restriction policies, the four departments including Housing Security and Real Estate Administration of Zhengzhou City, Henan Province (September in September (SeptemberOn the 12th), joint documents were jointly canceled to fully cancel the policy restrictions and sales of housing in Zhengzhou.The minimum down payment ratio of the two sets of housing commercial personal housing loans was reduced to 30%.

According to the content of the document, Zhengzhou will cancel restricted purchase and sale policies.The restrictions on the purchase of housing in the second ring housing purchase restriction policy, the restrictions on housing sales restrictions, and the support of residents' rigidity and improving house purchase demand.The cancellation policy is implemented from the date of the release of the document on September 12.

In addition, the documents are also clear that the minimum down payment ratio of commercial personal housing loans should be reduced.For residential families who purchase commercial housing (stored housing) for loans, the minimum proportion of the minimum down payment ratio of commercial personal housing loans of housing is not less than 20%.Not less than 30%.Based on factors such as the operating status of the agency and the customer risk status, the banking institutions reasonably determine the specific down payment ratio and interest rate level of each loan.

The document also proposes that it is necessary to actively carry out commercial housing to promote sales activities.Combined with the "Golden Nine Silver Ten" traditional sales season, we will strengthen the sales linkage of housing, automobiles, decoration, and home appliances.Support employers to organize employees to centrally buy commodity housing, encourage enterprises to actively implement preferential measures, and guide real estate companies to reasonably determine preferential purchase prices.

In terms of supporting the construction of housing enterprises, the mortgage rights of the use of state -owned construction land use mortgage rights and registered registration and the first registration of the mortgage right in the building (the land mortgage is transferred in mortgage), the first registration of building ownership is registeredRegistration with the mortgage of the building (mortgage to the existing house in construction) in the mortgage of the building).Explore the issues and business processes of "pre -sale commercial houses with transfer".

In addition, you need to speed up the progress of the insurance delivery building.Take strong measures, further carry out the triggering operations of the insurance delivery building, compact the responsibility of the enterprise, the local government's territorial responsibilities, and the bank's financial support responsibility, and resolutely complete the task of the security of the insurance delivery building according to the time node.

The file also mentioned that real estate registration services should be optimized.Comprehensively promoting the "delivery of a house to issue a house" in the new commercial housing project, real estate development projects in the city can apply for a "delivery of a certificate to issue a certificate" service.Further optimize second -hand housing "transferred" and the real estate registration business "All City Pass" to comprehensively improve the efficiency of handling.

The Chinese real estate market has been hit hard in the past two years, reducing the public's confidence in the property market.Since August this year, China has officially introduced a number of measures, including promoting the implementation of the first home loan "recognition of houses without recognition" policies and reducing the first mortgage interest rate of the stock.

According to the previous statistics of Chinese media, as of Monday (September 11), Dongguan, Foshan, Guangdong, Liaoning Shenyang, Dalian, Zhejiang Jiaxing, Nanjing, Jiangsu, Lanzhou, Gansu, and Jinan and Qingdao Shandong and QingdaoThe city has announced the full cancellation of housing purchase restrictions.