Chen Zhensheng, the Minister of Education, in charge of public services in my country, called on countries to strengthen instead of weakening international cooperation and committed to establishing a multi -level global cooperation system.

Chen Zhensheng delivered a keynote speech at the New Central China Leadership Forum on Tuesday (September 12) that although China and Singapore are very different in the land area and national conditions, the global order collapse, global economic orderThe three major trends of fragility and the differentiation of many countries have brought similar challenges and opportunities to the new China.

The challenges that the world now faces is more closely linked than in the past.Chen Zhensheng emphasized that no country, regardless of size, cannot be isolated from the world.The inspiration of the crown disease epidemic is that the world is closely linked and interdependent, which is not only in terms of prevention and management of major fluidity diseases, but also in terms of supply chain, global economic growth and global financial system.

He called on countries to strengthen rather than weaken international cooperation, and is committed to establishing a multi -level global cooperation system to cope with various common challenges.

Chen Zhensheng said that in a multilateral system based on rules, all countries, regardless of size, do the matter.When a country, especially a larger country, destroys the rules, will lose moral authority, causing other countries to fail to comply with the rules.In this way, the global security and trading system will face pressure, and all countries will be negatively affected.

"To move forward together, every country must play a good role to maintain and shape global rules. In order to accelerate global actions and improve efficiency, to cope with cross -border challenges, we must formulate a new structure and cooperation model."

The current trend of protectiveism has emerged in the world. Economic competition caused by supply chain bags, near -shore production and national security considerations is increasing.Chen Zhensheng reminded that the best way to strengthen economic toughness is to promote diversification and interdependence, not self -sufficient.Keep it open to ensure that trade circulation and supply diversify, and enhance economic toughness.Self -sufficient and closed risks will excessive concentration of risks. In the long run, the country will become more fragile, and it may be caught up by the development of other regions.

Say the three intergovernmental cooperation projects in the new and middle of the new Chinese

Chinese officials have visited China intensively this year. During the new Chinese Prime Minister Li Xianlong's visit to China at the end of March, New China Relations was upgraded to a comprehensive and high -quality forward -looking partnership.

Chen Zhensheng said that with the upgrading of bilateral relations between the new and middle -to -middle sides, the two countries can jointly explore the innovation plan and respond to new challenges.Singapore welcomes China to continue to promote international trade and investment with countries around the world. There are also many opportunities to strengthen cooperation in all aspects in this field to strengthen cooperation in this field, including cooperation projects led by the private sector, and create more tolerance and more tolerance.More tough supply chain.

Chen Zhensheng also called for updating the three intergovernmental cooperation projects in the new Chinese to explore new models of high -quality development and trial innovation governance methods.

He suggested that these projects have developed from regional projects at the local or regional level to the theme projects that stimulate national applications and even international cooperation.He said that Tianjin Ecological City, which is 15th anniversary of this year's development, said that in addition to developing into the incubation park of low -carbon innovation and starting companies, the ecological city can also become a skill development center of sustainable development related technologies, and become a high -quality, low -carbon developmentThe model of.

Chen Zhensheng said: "Mutual trust is our element that we have entered the next stage. We can use the past experience in human resources development and personnel exchanges to further consolidate the foundation and develop more opportunities for our future generations to explore more opportunities for co -prosperity and co -development."

New Central Leadership Forum is co -chaired by Chen Zhensheng and Li Ganjie, a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China and the Minister of the Central Organization Department. This is the first time that the forum has resumed offline.The forum was held for the first time in 2009. It is a strategic platform for the discussion and exchange of leadership development of political leaders and senior officials of the two countries.

Li Ganjie said in his keynote speech: "The future of human society's modernization is ultimately bright, but it is indeed not a frank road. There are many difficulties and challenges we face."