Lai Qingde, a presidential candidate for the Taiwan Democratic Progressive Party, said that English is the most important international language, and Taiwan will continue to promote bilingual policies.

Comprehensive Taiwan Central News Agency and United News Network reported that Lai Qingde attended the National and Political Vision Publishing Conference on Tuesday (September 12), with the theme of "Investment in the Future of the Future of 0-22".

For whether the 2030 bilingual policy can be achieved as scheduled, Lai Qingde said that English is still the most important international language. Whether it is to enhance international exchanges or enhance professional field knowledge, strengthening English ability is necessary.

Lai Qingde said that the bilingual policy is unable to complete the central government, and must cooperate with the local government to promote success in a more inclusive way.

For the problems of the current stage of the implementation of bilingual education, Lai Qingde said that the current problems are being implemented in detail. Now it is the running -in period. Everyone first determines the direction.Can overcome.

Lai Qingde said that during the promotion of bilingual education, the Ministry of Education of Taiwan also took a lot of auxiliary measures, including hiring foreign teachers to the first scene, and there was resource support later. For example, the resource system from the British Education and Culture AssociationAt the same time, each county and city also set up a class preparation system to help teachers at the first scene.Maybe some places do not do it enough, but they are all technical issues and can be overcome.

Taiwan announced the promotion of the "2030 bilingual national policy development blueprint" in 2018. The specific content includes bilingual teaching extended to kindergarten, scientific park experimental high school comprehensive bilingualization, implementing English courses in primary and secondary schools to teach in English, promote the middle school, promote the middle schoolEnglish lectures in some disciplines in primary schools.