For Mainland China ’s military exercise around Taiwan, Hou Youyi, the Kuomintang presidential candidate in Taiwan, said that this would not help cross -strait relations and hoped to talk to each other and reduce conflicts.

According to the Taiwan Media Central Broadcasting Station, Hou Youyi participated in the Taiwan ’s religious community’ s disaster elimination law meeting on Sunday (August 20), and Wang Jinping, former dean of the Taiwan Legislative Yuan, also attended.

I was asked how to look at the mainland on Saturday (August 19) that it was announced to launch a military exercise around Taiwan. Hou Youyi responded, "I express my solemn attitude on behalf of the people in Taiwan, which will not help the development of both sides of the strait.", Even the challenge of the stability of the Taiwan Strait and regional peace.He expressed his hope that the two sides of the strait can talk to exchange and reduce conflicts.

Lai Qingde, Vice President of Taiwan and the President of the DPP Lai Qingde, returned to Taiwan on Friday (August 18) to visit Paraguay and the United States.The theater organized the sea and air joint warning police patrol on Saturday on Saturday, and held joint training for military and other military forces.

Shi Yi said, "This is a serious warning of the provocation of the split forces of the‘ Taiwan independence ’.