The China National Internet Information Office issued an announcement on Tuesday (August 8) to solicit opinions from the social application management regulations on the application of face recognition technology to regulate the application of face recognition technology.

Safety management regulations of face recognition technology (trial) (draft for solicitation) list a total of 25 provisions, covering the scope of use of face information, information collection scenarios, and supervision and inspection.

The opinion draft proposes that only with the situation of having specific purposes and sufficient necessity, and adopting strict protection measures, you can use face recognition technology to process face information.

The opinion draft also said that the use of face recognition technology to handle face information should obtain individual individual consent or obtain written consent in accordance with the law.Laws and administrative regulations do not need to obtain personal consent.

For information collection scenarios, the opinion draft mentioned that hotel rooms, public bathrooms, dressing rooms, bathrooms, and other places that may infringe on the privacy of others must not be installed with image collection and personal identification equipment.

At the same time, installing image collection and personal identification equipment in public places should be necessary to comply with relevant state regulations to maintain public security, and set a significant prompt logo.

The opinion draft also proposes that any organization or individual may use face recognition technology to analyze sensitive personal information such as personal races, ethnicity, religious beliefs, health status, and social classes.Building managers such as property service enterprises must not use face recognition technology to verify personal identity as the only way to enter and exit property management areas.

In addition, face recognition technology users who use face recognition technology in public places, or those who store more than 10,000 face information technology users, shouldRecord.

The opinion draft finally proposed that the online information department, in conjunction with the telecommunications authorities, public security organs, market supervision departments and other relevant departments, in accordance with their responsibilities, strengthen the supervision and inspection of face recognition technology, guide supervision and supervise the use of face recognition technology use technologyThose who perform the filing procedures, timely discover hidden safety hazards and urge to rectify within a time limit.