China Hangzhou Zoo has a Malay bear stand and stands andTourists interact, making netizens think that the popularity among the bear people is suspected to be played by people.As a result, this bear has also attracted tourists from all walks of life, and the number of passengers in the zoo has increased by 30 %.

Comprehensive Weibo of Beijing Radio and Television "Beijing Time", Metropolitan Express, and Chao News reports, some netizens posted a video on July 27 that the Hangzhou Zoo Malay Xiongxiong is doubtful.The video shows that the bear stands standing with tourists, and it is also suspected to say hello to tourists. The standing position is similar to humans, and the hips have wrinkles.

Some netizens leave a message: "The folds of the lower body are indeed a bit like a coat." Another netizen said, "This doubt ... can you be outrageous?" "Do you don’t know the Malay bear?"

The staff of Hangzhou Zoo responded to the incident that the Malay bear named Angela was definitely not dressed. In summer, high -temperature people could not hold on a fur.

The Hangzhou Zoo deputy park Yangtze Zhizhi introduced that there is a male and one mother in Hangzhou Zoo, one is the mainland, and the other is Angela. Two Malay bears are a couple.Angilla came to Hangzhou Zoo three years ago. At the age of 4, he was just an adult, which is equivalent to humans around 20 years old.

As for why the Malay bear stands up, Jiang Zhi explained that the bear family has the ability to stand, especially in the wild bear, and will stand up when fighting, not just bear, lion, tiger, etc.Animals can also stand.Malay bears are generally mild, and they may be interacting with tourists.

The Metropolis Express also reported that the popular Malay bear is not uncommon. The reporter of the newspaper has also taken the scene where the Malay bear stands up in Hangzhou Zoo.

For the popularity of the netizens to refer to the Malay bear people, Jiang Zhi laughed helplessly: "This is not the first time the Malay bear has been searched, it is really necessary to science."

Jiang Zhi also said that after the video spread, the passenger flow of Hangzhou Zoo increased significantly, reaching more than 20,000 people on July 30, an increase of about one -third from usual.

The Hangzhou Comprehensive Channel reported that a tourist Qian Ming said: "After we brush the video online, we will take the high -speed rail from the Suzhou to watch the bear.P>