Asks for the Seven Kingdoms Group (G7), the European Union and other countries to ask China to help China help North Korea from using China's collar sea to escape the UN sanctions. China emphasized that the UN sanction measures have been strictly implemented by the United Nations.

The Chinese ambassador to the United Nations Zhang Jun on Monday (July 24) posted on Twitter that "China has always strictly implemented the UN Security Council resolution and earnestly fulfills international obligations."

Zhang Jun also urged all parties to fully implement the Security Council's resolution involved in the North Korean, especially about restoring dialogue, strengthening diplomatic efforts, and promoting political solution.

Reuters reported on Friday (July 21) that the Seventh Kingdom Group (G7), the European Union, and Australia, New Zealand, and South Korea were preparing to send a letter to Zhang Jun, saying that North Korea used the Chinese territorial regulations to avoid UN sanctions.China is required to help deal with this issue.

This joint department has attached a satellite image, indicating that a number of oil tankers continue to use China Sanshawan to lead the sea as shelter and assist North Korea to trade with sanctions.Internal occurrence.The letter also called on the Chinese government to take more measures to identify and prevent these vessels from anchoring or staying under the sea in China.

North Korea has been sanctioned by the United Nations for the development of missiles and nuclear projects since 2006. In 2017, the sanctions also expanded to the annual limit of the import and implementation of North Korean refined oil and crude oil.