South Korea ’s exports to China and Asia in the first half of this year decreased by more than 20%year -on -year, and exports to the United States and the European Union increased slightly.

According to the Yonhap News Agency, the Ministry of Commerce Resources of the South Korean Industry (hereinafter referred to as the "Ministry of Industry") held a "Seventh Export Region Meeting" on Friday (July 21) to check the export situation of various regions, Discuss the expansion plan.

It is reported that in the four major exports, South Korea's exports to China in the first half of the year decreased by 26%, and exports to Asia in Asia have decreased by 20.4%.Exports to the United States and EU countries increased slightly by 0.3%and 5.7%, respectively.

Due to the sluggish export exports such as China Information Communication (IT), the demand for the import of intermediate materials is weakened, South Korean semiconductor (-39.8), display (-47.9%), petrochemical products (-23.9%) pairHua exports fell sharply.It is also affected by the prosperity of the IT industry, and semiconductors and displays have also reduced Vietnam exports by 29.1%and 17%.

At the same time, the export situation of the United States and the European Union is good.The export of US cars increased by 54.2%, and the export of EU cars also increased by 55.6%.In addition, as local cutting -edge industries such as electric vehicles and secondary batteries have increased their investment, it has shown a good momentum to the exports of ordinary machinery and positive materials in the United States and Europe.Specifically, the exports of ordinary machinery increased by 4.1%, an increase of 8.7%of the exports of European exports; the export of positive materials increased by 28.6%, and the export of European exports surged by 92.3%.

The Ministry of Industry of the Ministry of Industry in Korea will accurately analyze the export situation of various regions in the second half of the year, formulate the strategy of reform of the trade structure, strengthen the trade chain of emerging countries, and find new opportunities for exports.In addition, while strengthening the trade cooperation with the government of major countries, the export and contract projects that will be concentrated will be concentrated to support the excavation of the "head of the head" and will be implemented to implement the diplomatic results.