In response to whether China faces capital outflow pressure, China State Foreign Exchange said that China's cross -border capital flow is relatively stable, the supply and demand of the foreign exchange market is basically balanced, and foreign capital has increased its holdings of Chinese bonds for two consecutive months.

According to the China Network report, Wang Chunying, deputy director and spokesman of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange and spokesman of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange on Friday (July 21), responded to the relevant questions of capital outflows at the press conference of the National New Office.

Wang Chunying said that in the first quarter of this year, China's international revenue and expenditure showed a frequent account surplus and the capital account deficit, and it was an autonomous balance.The deficit under capital continues the trend of stabilization since the second half of last year, and the total overseas investment has restored its net inflow.From the first half of the year, the flow of cross -border funds was relatively stable, and the supply and demand of the foreign exchange market was basically balanced.

In response to bond investment, Wang Chunying said that the performance of the global cross -border bond market this year is still relatively low, but foreign investment in the Chinese bond market is generally better.

She said that in the first half of this year, foreign capital purchased nearly US $ 79 billion (below, S $ 104.8 billion), which reversed the trend of net sales last year.Especially in the second quarter, foreign -funded net bonds were $ 58.5 billion in domestic bonds, which were relatively high in quarterly.If you consider the redeeming, foreign capital has increased its holdings of domestic bonds for two consecutive months, of which the net increase in June exceeded $ 11 billion.

From the perspective of the holder's structure, Wang Chunying pointed out that the overseas central bank is still the main foreign -funded institutions investing in the Chinese bond market. At the same timeInvestment value and medium and long -term allocation value.

Wang Chunying believes that looking forward to the future, overseas investors will continue to increase their holdings and steadily allocate RMB assets.Because the investment value of the decentralization of RMB assets and the advantages of satisfying the diversified allocation of investors are still.

She said that China's monetary policy adheres to me, and the trend of bonds in RMB bonds and developed countries and emerging economies are different.At the same time, the size of the Chinese bond market is still the second place in the world, with good liquidity, and facilitating investors to allocate resource allocation.From this perspective, the Chinese bond market is attractive.