A number of bus lines in Baoding City, Hebei Province have been suspended due to weak funding difficulty to maintain vehicles. The bus that is still operating has decreased from more than 1,300 vehicles to 333 vehicles from peak.

According to the report of Yangguang.com on July 12, the reporter went to Baoding to visit the field and found that not only part of the bus lines were suspended, but citizens must take the car around.Essence

A staff member of Baoding Public Transport Company told reporters that the total number of buses in the city has decreased from more than 1,300 vehicles during the peak to 333, which is less than one -quarter of the capacity of the peak, so it can only reduce it can only reduceline.

The staff member said that the bus company itself is not a profit unit and wants to rely on the city to support the financial support, but the subsidy is not in place. "The operation is relatively good. "

The staff said that the company is fully reflected the situation to the superior departments, hoping that the shutdown line can restore operation as soon as possible.

Due to the sudden drop in the volume of bus passenger transportation, Baoding Bus Company has been abnormal in operating funds over the years. In addition, the first batch of pure electric buses power batteries have exceeded the warranty period and do not have safe operating conditions.All pure electric buses have to be shipped, and multiple bus lines are affected.