Zhang Hailian, deputy chief chief of China Manned Aerospace Engineering Office, disclosed at a forum on the morning of Wednesday (July 12) that China plans to achieve a scientific exploration of the carried by manned landing in the moon by 2030.Build a moon scientific research pilot station, carry out system, continuous moon detection and related technical test verification.

According to China Daily, Zhang Hailian introduced the relevant plan of China Lunar Moon Layon on the 9th China (International) Commercial Space Summit Forum.

He said that the preliminary plan of China's current manned moon landing is: two carrier rockets are used to send the moon lander and the manned spacecraft to the ring of the ring on the rail crossing.The spacecraft enters the moon lander.

After that, the moon lander will drop separately in the scheduled area of the moon, and astronauts will board the moon to carry out scientific investigations and sample collection.After completing the established task, the astronaut will rose to the ring -lunar orbit to meet with the spacecraft, and bring a sample to return to the earth by spaceship.

Zhang Hailian also introduced that in order to complete this task, Chinese researchers are developing equipment and other equipment such as the Long March 10 carrier rocket, a new generation of manned spacecraft, the moon lander, and the manned lunar car.