中国国家统计局公布的最新数据显示,6The decline of the monthly producer price index (PPI) hit a new low after December 2015.

Comprehensive Wall Street Journal, Shanghai Securities News, Reuters, etc. According to the data released by the National Bureau of Statistics of China (July 10), PPI decreased by 5.4%year -on -year, decreased for nine months, and for nine months, andThe decline has been further expanded from the last month, and it is expanding for the sixth consecutive month; the decline is also higher than expected, and it also hit a new low after December 2015.

The PPI decreased by 4.6%year -on -year in May, a consecutive eight months, and further expanded from the previous month.New low.

The National Bureau of Statistics of China also announced that the PPI in June decreased by 0.8%month -on -month and three months in a row; before the previous May, it fell by 0.9%, and the month -on -month decreased by 0.5%.Monthly.

Dong Lijuan, chief statistician of the City Department of the National Bureau of Statistics of China, explained that PPI declined year -on -month and year -on -year, because the prices of commodities such as oil and coal continued to fall, as well as factors such as higher comparison bases in the same period last year.Essence

As for the consumer price index (CPI), the data from the National Bureau of Statistics of China shows that the CPI was flat year -on -year in June, which was lower than market expectations, and it was a new low since February 2021.Earlier in May, China's CPI rose 0.2%year -on -year, and rose 0.1%in April, all lower than expected.

The medium value of economists surveyed by the Wall Street Journal and Reuters shows that the year -on -year increase in CPI may be 0.2%year -on -year.

Bloomberg reports that the above data shows that the Chinese economy is cooling.

It is reported that Chinese manufacturers have to respond to the problem of decline in commodity prices and weak domestic and foreign demand.If the expected price will fall, consumers and enterprises continue to suppress expenditure or investment, which may lead to self -resolved spiral declines.

Although more and more people have called on Beijing to adopt action to support economic recovery, so far the scope of most measures is limited.The People's Bank of China slightly lowered the key policy interest rates last month, and the government also extended tax reduction policy for electric vehicle buyers.