China Aerospace Science and Technology Group will hold a public auction of the Internet from 2023 to 2024.Essence

According to the CCTV News on Sunday (July 9), this auction will start at 3 pm on July 13th.Lae -on rockets are expected to launch at the end of this year.It is a type of two -stage liquid carrier rocket. The primary oxygen oil pushing agent is used in the primary and secondary levels, which are mainly used to perform the launch task of near -ground orbit and solar synchronization tracks.

Zhang Peng, general manager of Aerospace New Business Information Technology Co., Ltd., the Great Wall Company of Aerospace Technology Group, introduced that this is a marketing attempt to carry out the launch service, which will publish the cycle of launch and carrying capacity online.Data docking with the Bei Stock Exchange will achieve a market bidding mechanism through auction.

Aerospace Science and Technology Group released a list of launch opportunities for 2023 and 2024's launch vehicle "equipped" and "shared rockets".Including this launch, there are nine launch tasks, and the launch services such as "entire arrow launch", "equipped with launch" and "network launching" of the long -term rockets facing international and domestic markets.

Report introduction, the so -called "shared rocket" launch refers to a launching rocket providing launch services for multiple satellites in the form of "carpool".Compared with previous tasks providing launch services in the form of "equipped", "shared rockets" are the commercial launch model that subverts the traditional launch task organization under the guidance of the development of the small satellite market.Then solicit satellite passengers in the market, "set the car and take the passenger and promote the promotion according to the plan", which is more in line with the needs of small satellite launch, and has the characteristics of low launch costs and good task adaptability.