Shenzhen Wenjindu Port, Guangdong, which is connected to mainland China and Hong Kong. The entry and driving channel suddenly appeared on a large area. The official notice issued a notice to immediately suspend the customs clearance business of the port.

According to the Sing Tao Daily, a citizen was found on Sunday (July 9) during the Shenzhen Wenjindu port, and found a large area of depression in the entry passage.

According to on -site photos, the scene dropped on a large area, the asphalt is broken, and at the same time, the arches caused by other sections.

The port office of the Shenzhen Municipal People's Government subsequently issued a notice confirming that the ground settlement occurred on the Sunday (9th) of the entrance clearance of Wenjindu Port, with safety risks.

The announcement states that in order to ensure the safety of the inbound vehicle, with the consent of the relevant provincial departments, the entry and truck customs clearance business of Wenjimu Port will be suspended.Pass from other ports.

The notice also stated that the relevant units have initiated the emergency response plan and hurry up to repair the first time.The resumption of customs clearance time to be announced in time after the repair is completed.

It is understood that many of the nanny cars taken by Lugang cross -border school children are to travel to and from Hong Kong schools and Shenzhen residences through Wenjin Cross Port.It may be affected; a large number of trucks transporting fresh foods such as pigs and vegetables also enter and exit in Shenzhen Hong Kong through the port. I believe that today it can still be transported to the port via the port, and returning to the mainland will change other ports.

Wenjin ferry port is a land border port between Shenzhen and Hong Kong. It opened to the public after the approval of the State Council of the Chinese State Council in 1978. It is a trade port for Hong Kong fresh products.