(Beijing Xinhua Electric) The 11 party and government departments in China jointly issued a notice that will clean up the chaos of the forum activities across the country, focusing on cracking down on the official banner of the official and fake formal organization.Behavior.

据新华社星期六(7月8日)报道,中共中央宣传部、中央网络安全和信息化委员会办公室、中央外事工作委员会办公室,中国外交部、教育部、公安部、民政部、文化和11 party and government departments including the Ministry of Tourism, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, the State -owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council, and the State Administration of Market Supervision jointly issued a notice on the special cleanup and rectification of forum activities (notice).

The notification clearly clearly clean up and rectify the work, in accordance with the principles of comprehensive cleanup, serious rectification, hierarchical responsibility, and unified norms, in -depth treatment of the forum activities too much, and severely cracking down on illegal activities in the forum activities, and focusing on solving disturbances.The market order, affecting social security and stability, and the prominent problems of infringing on the legitimate rights and interests of the people, establish and improve long -term management mechanisms, and promote the healthy and orderly development of forum activities.

The scope of this special cleanup and rectification, including various forums, summits, forums, lectures, annual meetings, reports, seminars, etc. organized by party and government agencies, enterprises and institutions, and social organizations.Activity.

These activities include: to organize various "cottage" forum activities under the name of the official banner and fake regular organizations; conduct activities such as commendation such as evaluation and compliance in violation of regulations, and foruming forums for illegal charges to collect money;The situation of attendance was unrealized, misleading the public forum activities; the words "China", "International" and other words and names that were inconsistent with the words "China" and "International" were misled in the public.Activities; disguised public funds consumption, tourism, issuing gifts, gifts, expensive souvenirs, and forum activities of various valuable securities and other illegal acts.