(Hubei Comprehensive News) Sudden landslides in Wufeng County, Yichang City, Hubei Province. As of Sunday (July 9), a total of seven people were rescued at the scene, one of which had no life signs;Essence

According to the report of the news office of the Yichang Municipal Government, the Mi Ping Town, Mangoshan Village, Yueping Town, Michang Tujia Autonomous County, burst into a landslide together at 4 pm at 4 pm.The landslide skid to Yidu to the Fengfeng Highway is located at a construction site at the middle of the mountain. It is estimated that the landslide of the landslide of more than 500,000 cubic meters on site is estimated to be.

Ye Yang, executive deputy mayor of Yichang City, introduced that after the disaster, nearly 400 rescue forces such as local disaster experts and emergency rescue were organized at the scene to carry out rescue.

As of 11:00 on Saturday, five people were rescued at the scene, and nine other workers lost contact.The rescue staff found two lost people on Sunday morning, one of which was no longer a vital signs, and the other was still in the rescue.As of 5 pm on Sunday, seven people still lost contact.

Ye Yang said that it is expected that the Wufeng Autonomous County will be cloudy and cloudy on the 9th and 10th. The landslide of the incident is unstable, and it is difficult to carry out rescue work. It has transferred 17 surrounding residents.

The Office of the Leading Group of Geological Disaster Prevention and Control in Hubei Province issued the province's geological disaster risk warning on the 9th and 10th day of the province on Sundays, requiring relevant areas to strengthen geological disaster prevention, including the west and central regions of Wufeng County.

China Emergency Management Department has also launched a level 4 emergency response to geological disasters, and sent a working group to the scene to guide the local emergency response work.

According to Zhang Duanmiao, an expert guidance group of the Emergency Headquarters, as of 10:00 on Sunday, the expert group has shifted 11 places on the mountains and affecting the area of the area, two surface cracks, real -time monitoring, and supporting emergency rescue disaster relief.