Zhejiang on Wednesday (July 5) released the news that Zhejiang Province issued 25 measures to promote the economic development of the platform, and it is clear that it is necessary to leave enough space for the development of the platform economy.

According to the implementation opinions of the implementation of the high -quality development of the platform's economy by the General Office of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee and the General Office of the Provincial Government, it is clear.System, accurate and efficient service system, fair and transparent rules system, and efficient collaborative regulatory system, the platform economy innovation and vitality compete to develop, develop comprehensive ecological optimization, the number of network operations and platform network transaction volume continue to grow steadily, the platform economy is optimizing resources to optimize resourcesThe role of all aspects of configuration, promoting industrial upgrading, and expanding the consumer market is fully played.In terms of the improvement of the competitiveness of platform enterprises and the advancement of fair competition and supervision and innovation in the country, it is at the forefront of the country, and strive to build a platform for modernization of platform economic modernization.

Implementation opinions cover the five major aspects of the innovation system, ecosystem, service system, rules system, and regulatory system, with a total of 25 measures.

Implementation opinions pointed out that supporting platform enterprise scientific and technological innovation.Encourage platform enterprises to jointly establish an innovation consortium for upstream and downstream enterprises and universities, and carry out scientific research on the underlying technology of the platform economy and the "card neck" technology organization.A number of major iconic results were achieved in other fields.

Implementation opinions stated that the future scene of the platform economy is encouraged to innovate.Encourage platform companies to use innovative technologies such as blockchain, digital twin, and expansion reality to create a future -oriented multi -application scenario.Accelerate the construction of new industrial advantages of the Yuan universe, support diversified subjects to build a comprehensive trial platform for the Yuan universe, strengthen the application of the Yuan universe in multi -scenario, and comprehensively promote the chain, scale, and internationalization of the Yuan universe industry.Encourage platform companies to participate in the pilot of digital RMB and deepen the application of pilot applications such as retail transactions, living payment, and government services.Support platform enterprises to participate in the construction of smart cities, implement communities, buildings, parks and other regional intelligent service reconstruction and construction projects, and create smart business districts, smart blocks and future communities.

Implementation opinions and requirements to improve platform consumption creative capabilities.Carry out new digital life services to further enrich digital consumption scenarios.Encourage platform enterprises to use new technologies such as the Internet of Things, cloud computing, big data, artificial intelligence to create a comprehensive, multi -scenario, and immersive consumption experience.Accelerate the expansion of information consumption and promote information consumer products and services to extend to the countryside.

The implementation opinion mentioned that the international competitiveness of platform enterprises is enhanced.Support platform enterprises to achieve a diversified overseas layout, relying on the overseas economic and trade cooperation zone, overseas digital industrial parks and overseas warehouses, to cultivate upstream and downstream coordinated supporting service ecosystems.Support platform companies to establish R & D institutions overseas through mergers and acquisitions or self -construction methods to enhance global innovative resources allocation capabilities.Give full play to the role of the "Zhejiang Enterprise to Ocean+" comprehensive service platform, and provide platform enterprises with intellectual property rights, commercial coordination, legal advisory and other services.Support and guidance platform companies that meet the conditions are listed at home and abroad, and strengthen compliance guidance and counseling services for the listed platform enterprises.

Implementation opinions pointed out that the establishment of a perfect and prudent regulatory rules.In the principles of encouraging innovation, the regulatory rules and standards are formulated in the field, and under the premise of strictly observing the bottom line of the security, we will leave enough room for the development of the platform's new business format.For the new business format that is not allowed for a while, set a certain observation period, and take flexible law enforcement methods such as administrative guidance, administrative interviews, warning warnings, etc., and carefully use law enforcement measures such as administrative punishment.

Implementation opinions emphasize that the platform's financial risk management and control rules are improved.Strictly implement the relevant laws and regulations in the financial business field of platform enterprises, and prohibit illegal engage in funds and settlement business.Strengthen functional supervision and comprehensive supervision, and improve cross -border and cross -border financial products penetrating supervision rules.Implement the regulatory system of financial holding companies, strictly standardize platform enterprises to invest in financial institutions and local financial organizations, strengthen risk management and related transaction management, and urge platform enterprises and their holdings and shareholding financial institutions to strictly implement the requirements of capital and leverage.Standardize the cooperation methods of platform enterprises and bank insurance institutions, and it is strictly forbidden for platform enterprises to break through the scope of business through sales and diversion to break through the scope of business through illegal regulations.Promote the coordinated management of financial marketing behaviors to enhance the comprehensiveness and transparency of business information disclosure.

In addition, the implementation opinions have also proposed measures to promote inclusive sharing of Internet medical services, reduce the operating costs of platform economic participants, strengthen platform economic talent protection, and optimize the platform's economic market access rules and other measures.