American electric vehicle giant Tesla CEO Elon Musk said on Thursday (July 6) that once China decides to do one thing, it will be done well.Including artificial intelligence, China will have strong artificial intelligence capabilities.

According to the surging news report, when Musk participated in the opening ceremony of the 2023 World Artificial Intelligence Conference, Tesla was very interested in sharing his autonomous driving technology with other automakers.Those who surpass the times and will greatly increase the use of cars.

Musk predicts that it can achieve fully autonomous driving later this year.The state of full autonomous driving of human intervention is.Tesla has been tested on the road of the United States, and now rarely needs manual intervention.

"It is difficult to use a limited AI to do fully autonomous cars, but we feel that it can be solved soon. I have predicted that it can achieve fully autonomous driving later this year.Guarantee, but the trend is to achieve fully autonomous driving later this year. "Musk said that this limited artificial intelligence and comprehensive artificial intelligence are completely different. It is difficult to define comprehensive artificial intelligence.It is much clever. Tesla did not do research in this area. Other companies are doing comprehensive artificial intelligence research. Now it is important to have some supervision to supervise these studies.

For artificial intelligence, Musk said that this may bring a positive future, but there is also a probability of a negative future. "We must do our best to ensure that these negative and negative futures will not happen.The future will happen. "

He also said that there are many smart and wise people in China. He has always admired the wisdom and motivation of the Chinese people.Once China is determined to do one thing, it must be able to do this industry well. This is the case for various economic fields and industries. Of course, it also includes an artificial intelligence industry. ThereforeThis is his prediction.